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"Hey Virge?" Percy asked, laying on Virgil's bed.

"Yeah?" Virgil responded.

"When we're eighteen, will you marry me?" Percy looked over to where his boyfriend was laying.

Virgil smiled and took Percy's unbroken hand, "yeah."

Percy smiled, "I love you."

Logan knocked on the door frame, "I hate you intrude on your engagement, but it appears Roman and Remus are aiming a giant water balloon at your window, so you might want to close it."

"Oh shit!" Virgil jumped up and slammed the window closed just as a giant water balloon slammed into the glass.

Roman and Remus were laying on the grass, laughing so hard they were crying. Virgil flipped them off.

"If that's over with, I have a date to get ready for." Logan smiled.

Percy laughed, "hey Virge, we should go on a date too."

"Well last time we tried that you got hit by a car." Virgil grimaced, flopping back on the bed.

"That was a month ago." Percy pouted, "please? We'll go to a movie and have one of our parents drive us instead of walking?"

Virgil rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone, "fine. Which movie?"

"I think Onward is still in theaters." Percy said.

"Theres a showing in two hours." Virgil told his boyfriend.

"Sweet." Percy smiled, "I buy tickets, you by snacks?"

"Yep." Virgil chuckled, "I'll see if Dad can drive us."

Percy grabbed Virgil's hand, "I can't wait."

"You know what I cant wait for?" Virgil asked.

"What?" Percy asked.

"For school to be over." Virgil sighed.

"Its been two months since it started!" Percy laughed loudly.

"I know!" Virgil cried, "we're only freshmen and I have senioritis! Maybe I shouldjustd drop out and become a stripper."

"Virgil you're fourteen." Percy said, "save that idea for college."

"But I hate school." Virgil whined.

"Okay, then think of the dysphoria and the fact that you'll have to perform in front of people." Percy told him.

Virgil went quiet, "fuck."

Percy kissed his boyfriend, "you'll survive high school."

"Only as long as you're with me." Virgil smiled.

Percy chuckled, "we should probably get ready for the movie now."

Virgil laughed, "yeah."

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