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T.W.: car accident, blood

Virgil flopped face first onto his bed when he and his boyfriend got to his room.

"You okay Virge?" Percy asked, sitting next to him and rubbing his back.

Virgil shook his head, "I feel really depressed right now."

"Why?" Percy asked.

Virgil turned to face his boyfriend, "I don't know. I just feel bad and kinda iffy about life."

"Do you need a hug?" Percy opened his arms.

Virgil nodded again, moving into his boyfriend arms. Percy hugged him tightly, rocking them slightly.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" Percy asked.

Virgil sighed, "cant. Remus broke my headphones."

"What? How?" Percy said, "those things were indestructible."

Virgil let out a small laugh, "well the dogs snuck up here and grabbed them, so Remus tried to take them away by chasing the dogs, and when he finally got them, the dogs jumped on him and he dropped them in the sink. Which was filled with water."

"Wow..." Percy blinked, "your family is chaotic."

Virgil rolled his eyes, "tell me about it."

Percy chuckled, "well how about we go for a walk and get some ice cream?"

Virgil smiled, "sure."

Percy smiled back, helping Virgil get out of bed. A few minutes later, they were on their way to the park.

"So what flavor are you gonna get?" Percy asked.

Virgil shrugged, "I dont know. I might switch it up this time."

Percy gasped, "who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?"

"Shut up!" Virgil laughed, pushing Percy.

"Okay, okay." Percy chuckled, kissing Virgil on the cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too." Virgil said, full on kissing Percy.

Percy went bright red, "Come on, we gotta cross the street."

Virgil giggled and nodded.

The two were halfway across the street when they heard screeching tires.


Virgil was pushed back. There was a loud thump. Tires screeching away. People yelling.

Percy was laying in the road, blood staining the asphalt under him.

"No!" Virgil scrambled over to him, "Perce!"

"V-virge..." Percy gasped out, reaching up to hold his boyfriends face, "c-can you sing something?"

Virgil shook his head, "n-no, Perce, dont-dont-"

"Please?" Percy asked.

Virgil choked on a sob, then took a shakey breath.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."

Percy gave Virgil a small smile before his eyes slipped closed and he went limp.

"Perce?" Virgil whimpered, "Perce! Percy!"

Virgil broke down into tears as the sound of sirens approached.

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