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T.W.: panic attack

"Fuck my life." Virgil groaned into his pillow, holding his stomach.

Percy chuckled, "you'll be fine, it's just cramps."

Virgil lifted his head to glare at Percy.

"I'll get you a heat pack." Percy said, quickly exiting the room.

Virgil flopped back on his bed, dysphoria crawling up his back. Or maybe that was just pain from the cramps.

The boy groaned into his pillow. It was times like this he wished he was cis. He couldn't bind because of cramps and everything was just uncomfortable.

"I'm back." Percy smiled as he entered the room.

"Thank you." Virgil sighed as his boyfriend placed the ice pack on his side and stomach.

Percy crawled onto the bed with him. Virgil placed his head in Percy's lap, letting his boyfriend play with his hair.

Suddenly, Virgil's door flew open and Dee ran inside.

"Virge!" Dee cried, throwing himself in his brothers arms.

"Woah, Dee what's wrong?" Virgil asked.

"F-fire!" Dee sobbed, "there was fire a-and everything was burning and-and I was all alone-"

"Dee." Virgil tried to get his attention.

"I was so scared!" Dee continued, panicking more.

"Dee!" Virgil yelled.

"I was lost and the f-fire was getting and closer and-!"

"JANUS!" Virgil shouted.

That snapped Dee out of his panic attack. No one had called him his real name in a long time.

"Janus, calm down." Virgil said, lowering his voice, "what happened?"

Dee sniffed, "I-I had a nightmare."

"Okay. It was just a nightmare." Virgil told his little brother.

"It felt so real." Dee rubbed his eyes.

"I know. But it wasn't." Virgil hugged him.

Dee nodded.

"Why dont you go find Dad and he can make you some hot chocolate?" Virgil smiled softly.

"Okays." Dee sniffed, crawling off the bed, "thanks Virge."

"No problem Dee." Virgil nodded.

Once Dee was out of the room, Virgil flopped back onto Percy's lap.

"You okay Virge?" Percy asked.

"Other than the fact I feel like death, I'm okay." Virgil sighed.

"So... whos Janice?" Percy asked.

Virgil chuckled, "that's Dee's real name. And it's spelled J-A-N-U-S."

"So why do you call him Dee?" Percy asked.

"Cause he thinks Janus sounds too girly." Virgil sighed.

"I mean it does... kinda." Percy admitted.

"Janus is the Roman god of duality." Virgil explained, "he watches over the past and future of war and peace. And beginning and ends and all that. It also means arch or archway in Latin."

"Woah. That's awesome!" Percy said.

Virgil smiled, "yeah. But Dee's to young to understand all that. I mean hes only six."

Percy chucked, "I hope he grows into the name. Cause it's a pretty kick ass name. Imagine being named after a god!?"

Virgil laughed, "yeah."

"Virgil! Percy!" Thomas called from downstairs, "Lunch is ready!"

Virgil groaned, "I dont wanna get up."

Percy chuckled, "I'll carry you."

"Thanks." Virgil whispered, "I love you."

Percy kissed the top of his head, "I love you too."

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