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"Dad! Dad! Is it time yet?!" Patton giggled, bouncing on his toes.

"Almost Patt." Thomas laughed, patting the flower boys head.

"Actually, it is time." Logan said, poking his head in.

Patton gasped, "yay!"

Logan chuckled, "go on Patt."

Patton giggled as he walked out, Thomas following him up to the alter where Augustus waited.

~~~time skip ~~~

Logan looked at his boyfriends with a smile.

"Queerly beloved, We are gathered here togay to witness the marriage of these men." The officiant said, "you may begin your vows."

~~~time skip ~~~

"Virgil," Percy started, "I remember the first time we met. We went to get ice cream while skipping school."

The crowd laughed.

"I'm so glad I met you." Percy finished with a smile.

~~~time skip ~~~

"Pranks." Remus giggled, "you're smokin' hot. How the hell did I get someone like you?"

Pranks laughed, hiding his face as the officiant continued.

~~~time skip ~~~

"Do you, Roman Sanders, take Missy Crea to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Roman smiled softly, "I do."

~~~time skip ~~~

"And do you, Elliot Therp, take Patton Sanders to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

They smiled, "I do."

~~~time skip ~~~

"You may now kiss the groom!"

Janus didnt hesitate to pull his, now husband, Imaj into the kiss.

The crowd cheered for the newly weds. Especially Janus' family as the youngest brother got married.

And in the end, they all got their happily ever after.

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