Chapter 38: Plans Change

Start from the beginning

"Scott, hunters just took out at least 8 supernaturals in New York; her army is growing. All the people that were found dead, were all over the state, and it looked like they were clawed to death by werewolves," Stiles spoke quickly over the phone. "How's Liam?"

Scott was taken aback, "How do you know they were hunters?"

"Didn't Derek tell you?"

"No, we were kind of busy this morning at the hospital. Liam isn't doing well; I'm scared Stiles, like really scared."

Stiles went silent over the phone. He couldn't believe this was happening to the boy; never in a million years would he expect Liam to be the one to fall apart he was always so strong.

"Stiles, what didn't Derek tell me?" Scott broke Stiles's train of thought.

"Monroe's starting to imitate supernatural's deaths like werewolves killed them. That way she can make more people fear you guys, getting more people to join her army."

"And Derek figured this out how?"

"Derek, love him dearly, but we all know I am the brains of our relationship. The FBI had footage of one of the hunters doing it; she shot the body then ran this rake thing over the body making it look like werewolf claws. However, someone must be working for her inside the FBI because the footage is now deleted."

"And how did you see this?"

"I hacked into the system; what else did you expect? But Monroe is playing smart, the media displays it was a werewolf, means people fear werewolves, equals more hunters."

"So, Monroe can reason we are all home right now with Liam, but she's attacked elsewhere I'm confused."

"Easier she knows she can't fight our pack, so us out of the way means easier job elsewhere. She knew taking Liam out himself would be near impossible with his power and Theo by his side, but by taking his parents out meant hitting him mentally hard. She was the school guidance counselor; she probably looked up his files and saw his history. She knew mentally he was an easy target. I mean she knew about his father and even got him involved. She had to know about his self-blaming tendencies and could only hope he would relapse with his eating disorder. Taking him out took the entire puppy pack out the question, she knew we would come back to support him."

"Stiles, you are a genius, but that means she probably still has eyes here on us too."

"I mean probably; it makes sense."

"And Liam is being trapped in a hospital with possible hunters."

"Well...I didn't think about that."

"I don't know what to do I mean the kid needs hospitalization; he's going to die if he doesn't, but he might also die within the hospital."

"He doesn't really need to be a hospital; I know Liam he's not going to listen to any therapist. I mean I've only been to Eichen House being controlled by the Nogistsune, but everyone says inpatient usual makes your mental state worse but health better. Your mom's a nurse she could get him what he needs; she has to have at least one doctor she can trust that can help her sneak supplies and have them check on him."

"Again, Stiles you are a genius, and Liam would be in such a better mindset being here where everyone could be with him more. The issue is Peter already signed him in."

"Well, get your mom to have Peter sign him out. I mean if legal things are an issue; she just needs to get a doctor to sign off that he can be medically discharged before child services can get their hands on it."

"Thanks, man. I'm going to go to the hospital and get my mom right now."

"Welcome, be careful. Take care of yourself and hug Liam for me."

Malia was listening to his conversation the entire time, "So, we are breaking Liam out of the hospital to hospitalize him ourselves."

"Yes, oh gosh, and we are going to have to get him medically excused from school still."

The werecoyote stared at the alpha, "Just have Natalie fudge some note."

"Ah, I love you," Scott looked at Malia.

"I'm not even supposed to be the smart one."

"I just realized the hunters would assume we took Liam here."

"I doubt they know where Peter and Derek bought a house at. I mean it's in the middle of the woods more than the old Hale house, no one drives past the zoo in Beacon Hills anyways. It's way passed it. We just need to convince them it's necessary," Malia looked at Scott.

"I'll go talk to my mom; you go talk to your dad," Scott said.

"You don't want to switch?" Malia grinned at Scott.

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