"Are you sure?" Dean asked as Jessica and him leaned closer towards the computer.

"To what?" Jessica asked.

"A field in Wisconsin." Frank replied.

Dean lowered his head and scoffed. "No, Bobby didn't give us coordinates to some patch of weeds in cheeseville."

"No." Frank shook his head. "He gave you coordinates to a parcel. Recently purchased by Willam, INC., a subsidiary of... Richard Roman enterprises."

"So, what do we do?" Jessica asked.

"Stay away." Frank replied. "Or, if we're stupid... we go there and set up surveillance."

Dean sighed. "All right, I'm gonna call Sam, tell him the news." He walked towards the exit and left the RV.

"Okay sweetheart, here's your costume." Frank handed Jessica a "technician" outfit.

"Huh, okay then." Jessica disappeared into the bathroom and quickly changed. She then put her hair up into a pony tail and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Why do I have to wear this?" Jessica asked.

"Because we need to hide ourselves." Frank said. He then opened the RV's door and called for Dean.

"Come and get your costume on so we can scoot!"

Jessica chuckled.


"What's so special about this place anyways?" Jessica asked.

"I love a mystery." Frank replied. "Now, get up there and act like your fixing something." He was looking at Dean.

"I don't know how to drive that thing."

"You think I do?"

"Well, why do I got to be the sap that—"

Frank pointed at his shirt. "This one says 'Manager'. That one says 'Technician'." He was pointing at Deans shirt.

"Mine says that as well." Jessica raised her hand.

Dean looked at her. "No way are you getting up in that thing."

Frank sighed in frustration. "Sometime this month?"

Dean grumbled and climbed his way onto the lift. Then, he began to raise himself up.

Frank had binoculars up to his eyes. As he was looking around he spotted some cameras.

"Damn it." Frank muttered. He turned around towards the lift and looked up at Dean. "Come on down Tarzan."

"What?!" Dean threw up his hands.

"Get down!"

Dean slowly lowered himself back to the truck.

"We need to move." Frank said. "They got this place wired up the wazoo."

"They're watching us right now?" Jessica asked.

"Nah, they're just watching Cheech and ED from Ma Bell." Frank said sarcastically.

"You know it's gonna be a little difficult to set up surveillance if there's, surveillance everywhere." Dean motioned to the area around them.

"Right." Frank nodded his head. "So we need to tap into theirs instead."


All three were back in Frank's RV. Jessica and Dean sat a few inches away from his computer.

"Alright, now what?" Dean asked.

Frank turned around to look at Dean. "You look horrific. When was the last time you really slept a night?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Let's just work, alright?"

"This is it. We watch the screens." Frank motioned towards his monitors. "I can take first shift. You're no use if you can't even..."

Suddenly, Dean's head had tipped to the side so that he was resting on Jessica's shoulder. A loud snore escaped his lips.

"Keep your eyes open." Frank finished.

Jessica lightly chuckled and didn't dare to move.

"So," Frank typed away on his computer. "How long have you been an angel for?"

Jessica sighed. "About one hundred and eighty seven years."

Frank stared at the girl in shock.

"I know, it's a lot to take in."

"And he married you?" Frank pointed towards Dean. Jessica lightly chuckled and ran her fingers through Dean's hair.

"Yeah, he did. And I don't regret one bit of it."

"Well, if your part angel, doesn't that mean you'll outlive him?"

"Not necessarily." Jessica replied. "With me, I had a lot of past lives. So, that means that the angels just brought me back, but as someone else." She looked at Dean then back at Frank. "Kind of like when the Phoenix died in Harry Potter. A new one is born from its ashes."

"Ah." Frank nodded his head.

"But, I think this time, the angels will let me be. They'll let me live my life and leave me alone."

"How can you be so sure?"

"That's the thing. I can't." Jessica sighed. "I just have to wait and see." Her eyes went back to Dean as she watched him sleep. "Besides, I'm pretty much stuck with them forever. Nothing can take me away from them."

Frank cracked a smile. "You should probably get some rest as well." He got up from his chair and grabbed a blanket. Then, Frank walked towards Jessica and Dean and draped it around the two.

"Thank you, Frank." Jessica smiled.

Frank nodded his head and went back to the computers.

Jessica leaned her head against a shelf and closed her eyes. No dreams came to her this night. And she was happy for that.

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