Cuddles please?🥰

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Previously- We were back stage when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned round and it was the one and only fuck boy Bryce Hall!
B-we need to talk!
Y/n-no, no we don't!
Bryce rolled his eyes and he put me over his shoulders and carried me to another room. He put me down on a chair and stood in front of the door of the small closet.
Y/n-what the fuck Bryce?!
B-we needed to talk and you weren't going to move so now we're here in some closet.
Y/n-whatever just talk! And hurry I'm going on stage in about 15 minutes!
B-I just want to say I'm sorry for trying to make you jealous by using Abby-
Y/n-ah her names Abby, I feel sorry for her.
B-shush and let me finish!
I just rolled my eyes at him then I looked down at my hands and played with my rings.
B-um.. oh yes so I'm really sorry I just really liked you and Abby liked me when I thought she would never like me-
Y/n-oh so you liked me and you like Abby?
B-no I mean like you! But I just want to say I'm sorry and I know that you still love nick.
He looked down  and I stood up and I walked past him and opened the door then I turned to face him.
Y/n-yes I do still love nick and I was stupid to like you! You were playing with mine and abbys feelings!
B-please don't tell Abby!
Y/n-just leave me alone!
I turned round and walked to we're everyone else was and me, avani, Anthony and nick were away to go on stage but I couldn't see nick.
Y/n-hey, where's nick we're about to go on stage in a minute or so?
Nick ran towards us.
N-I'm here!
(Lily is the name of the women who is asking us questions and stuff)
Lily-and now let's welcome Avani, Anthony, Nick and Y/n to the stage!
We all walked onto the stage and everyone was screaming so loud. I sat on a couch with avani on my right and nick on my left and Anthony sat inside chair beside avani and lily sat on a chair beside nick.
Lily-okay so everyone we are going to be doing a q&a! Who's ready?
The crowd started screaming so loud then lily handed nick a mic.
N-hi everyone!
Lily-okay so nick just pick anyone to ask you a question.
N-okay... you in the red top 2nd row!
There was a security guard that had a mic and went over to the girl.
Fan girl-OMG I love you so much!
N-I love you too, so what's your name and question?
Fan girl-my names Hannah, and my question is if you could date anyone who is at playlist who would you date?
N-easy y/n...
I felt a blush creep on my face and everyone started going crazy and I just laughed.
N-okay.... the boy at the back with the blue hoodie on!
Fan boy-hey...
N-hi so what's your name and question?
Fan boy-my names jacks and have you and y/n slept with each other?
N-damn your forward...
Nick turned to me and I whispered in his ear.
Y/n-just say it doesn't matter.
N-uh... yea....
He said it really quite then we heard some people gasp and then some people screamed.
Ant-yea and we all heard....
Avani hit Anthony and he gasped.
Nick got asked some more questions but just the basic questions then nick gave me the mic.
Y/n-hey everyone! Okay so... oh the cute little girl at the front.
I pointed to the little girl who was with another girl who was a little older. The little girl look about 6 and her face lit up when the security guard gave her the mic.
Y/n-hi cutie what's your name?
Fan girl- Ella....
Y/n-that's such a cute name! Okay so what's your question Ella?
Ella-um... could we be best friends?
I laughed and I stood up and walked off the stage to her and I gave her a hug.
Y/n-of course we can Ella!
I heard people saying "aww"
Y/n-so who you here with?
Ella-my big sister Emily!
She pointed to the girl beside her and she looked 18.
Y/n-hi Emily!
The girl waved then I went back up to the stage. I sat down and nick whispered to me.
N-that was cute.
I smiled at him and then got asked a few more questions.
Y/n-okay guys I'm going to get 2 more questions! So the girl in the middle with the lovely pink hair!
Fan girl-hi y/n how are you?
Y/n-I'm really good thank you okay so what's your name and question?
Fan girl- my names rose and would you rather date Bryce, Nick or Avani?
Y/n-Avani of course she's my wifey!
I hugged avani and she kissed my cheek.
Ant- wow y/n taking my girl are you now?
Y/n-yes now shut up ant! Okay my last question.... oh the boy in the middle with the green top!
Fan boy-hey your hot!
Y/n-why thank you okay so name and question?
Fan boy-the names Dylan and my question is can I get your number?
Y/n-nope sorry but I'm gonna be nice you can ask me another question.
Dylan- fine... do you still love nick? Please say no!
Y/n-uh.... yes, okay avani your turn!
The crowd started screaming so loud and the boy looked mad.
-20 minutes later-
We came off stage and I went back to my room cause I had a sore head and I got changed into:

-20 minutes later-We came off stage and I went back to my room cause I had a sore head and I got changed into:

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And I put my hair into a messy bun then I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes. A few minutes later nick walked in the room but I kept my eyes closed to try and get to sleep. Nick cane and sat beside me and he started playing with my hair then he whispered.
N-I still love you too...
He then kissed my fore head and then I opened My eyes and sat up and kissed his lips softly and he kissed back. I pulled back.
N-okay didn't think you'd kiss me and I thought you were asleep...
Y/n-nope but I should do can you cuddle please?
N-of course!
I smiled and I laid down and nick laid down beside me and I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep to the sound of nicks heart beat.
-Kouvrs pov-
After the meet and greet me and Alex went to are room and fell asleep then we woke up an hour later and we decided to go to y/n's room to see if she wanted to be in Alex's youtube video. Ryland was in are room so he gave me and Alex his key card and we went to y/n's room and opened the door. When we walked in we saw y/n and nick cuddled up and asleep. It was so cute! So of course Alex filmed it and I took a photo and put it on my Instagram.

 It was so cute! So of course Alex filmed it and I took a photo and put it on my Instagram

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A/n: hi um

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A/n: hi um... vote please and thank you! Byeee💕

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