The youtube video 💋💕

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Previously- Y/n-oh and Nick asked me on a date tomorrow for my birthday!
Av-omg we need to have a party for you!
Ch-we should ask some other people!
Y/n-not too much people I don't want a big party or anything like that.
K-we could just ask the sway house and a few other influences.
A-wait I need y/n and nick on the couch now please thank you!
Alex came running down the stairs with his camera in his hand oh no.
I got up and went over to the couch Alex was standing beside and I sat down then nick sat down beside me and out and arm round me. Then Alex started recoding us.
A-sooo i see hickeys on your neck!
Y/n-shut up and just tell us what you want?
A-okay so you know I do this thing in my channel for couples or people that are like couples anyways I want you guys too kiss for my youtube video!
Y/n-what wait I want something if I do this!
A-what you want?
Y/n-oh I want a puppy! I've always wanted a dog.
Y/n-why not?
A-cause you have enough money too buy a dog.
Y/n-fine then I would kiss nick for your video!
I crossed my arms and slid further down the seat.
A-ughh fine!
A-okay now kiss!
Y/n-okay okay fine!
I turned to nick who was already facing me and he leaned in and so did I then we kissed for about 15 seconds and I could hear everyone cheering and shouting then I pulled away and looked at everyone going crazy then I looked at nick and he had the biggest smile on his face it was so cute.
Y/n-okay now I want my dog!
A-what kind of dog do you want?
Y/n-I want a silver Labrador!
A-okay I'll try find one.
Ch-okay now y/n can make tiktoks with us?
Y/n-of course lets do savage!
Charli set up her phone and we started doing the dance ( the sing goes like this I'm a savage classy bougie ratchet sassy moody nasty) then it cane to the part where you throw it back and then I was about to throw it back then nick stood in front of me then picked me up and put on the couch and he sat beside me and I looked at him and crossed my arms.
N-I'm not letting you throw it back for people to watch!
Y/n-ughh fine I won't throw it back.
I got up and me and all the girls made some more tiktoks then mia shouted me over from the kitchen and I went over to her and she was videoing then looked at me then pointed too my hickeys and I get red in the face.
Mh-who have you them?
Y/n- my wifey!
Mh-in other words nick!
She then stopped recording and she then posted the video on tiktok.
Y/n-no don't post it!
Mh-too late.
Y/n-fine your grounded!
Mh-shut up "mom"
We both made other videos around the house then I realised that all my stuff was at the sway house and I really don't want too see Bryce right now cause I kinda feel bad but at the same time he should of just said something to me instead of beating nick!
N-hey mamas
Nick cane up to me and hugged me.
N-how are y-
Y/n-let's go!
Me and nick ran down the stairs and I sat down on the Chou he and nick stood beside Thomas and everyone stood behind him and I started to feel nervous! Cause we're they going to kick me out! Did I do something wrong! Ahh so much is going through my brain right now!
Th-okay so we have all been talking and we were thinking that you could stay with us for a while until you want to go back to your apartment! So what do you think?
Nick and everyone was looking at me with big smiles on there face and I smiled so big and nodded.
They all ran over to me and hugged me and it was so nice!
Th-okay so we have a spare room that Tony and ondreaz are going to move into so then you can stay with nick! Is that okay?
Y/n-that's great thank you so much Thomas!
I stood up and hugged Thomas he was honestly so nice and was like a big brother too me and I don't know why he gets so much hate anyways then I turned too nick and he cane up to me and smashed his lips against mine and I knew some people were recording but I didn't care! We both pulled back and we both had huge smiles on are faces!
Y/n-wait I need to get my things from the sway house.
O-me and some of the bits could go get the things for you if you want?
Y/n-no I'll go cause I need to talk to Bryce.
N-woah I'm not letting you go there yourself and to talk to Bryce nope I'm coming!
Y/n-no your not I'll take Patrick or someone!
P-I'll come!
Y/n-guess I'm going with Patrick and Calvin then.
R-I'm coming too!
Y/n-okay then let's go boyssss!
Y/n-wait Alex can I take your car please?
Y/n-why not I'm a good driver!
Kouvr through Alex's car keys to me and i caught them and ran out the house with Patrick, Calvin and ryland.
I was in the drivers seat and ryland was in the passenger seat and Patrick was in the seat behind me and Calvin was in the seat behind Ryland. We were sing and talking about life and there's actually really nice guys!
-15 minutes later-
Y/n-were here.
I took a deep breathe cause I'm really nervous about what there going to say.
We all got out of the car and I knocked on the door. Ugh they take for ever to open the door I knock again really hard this time then someone opened the door and it was...................

Someone I have never seen before.
?-em hi?
?-not to be rude or anything but we don't like it when are fans come to see door so could you pl-
Y/n-woah I'm not a fan! I need to get my stuff and I need to talk to Bryce about what happened the other day!
?-oh so your the famous y/n
?-honestly your like the only thing Bryce talks about and nessa too actually!
Y/n-oh... well what's your name?
?-oh sorry I'm Quinton
He sticks his hand out and I shook his hand.
Y/n-well nice to meet you! And this is Ryland, Patrick and Calvin.
P&c- hi
Patrick and Calvin both look at each other shocked.
C-OMG I knew we were twins!
P-yea but I'm the hotter twin!
Q-well come in!
We all walked in and I seen nessa and I ran over too her and hugged her and she looked at my neck.
Nb-so the hickeys are real?!
Nb-did you do it?!!!
Y/n-no but nearly but he needs to wait till tomorrow cause you know I'm still underaged unless he wants to go to jail.
Nb-oh yes you're birthday is tomorrow! BOYS!!!
I could hear all the boys running down the stairs and they all gave me hugs but Bryce wasn't there.
Y/n-okay so you guys I'm having a party tomorrow at the hype house and you guys are all invited even you Quinton! It's just honing time be you guys, the hype house and a few other people!
Jr-oh well could payton and Jackson come?
Y/n-oh they were at the last party weren't they?
Ant-yea! There staying with us dinghy now but they went to target.
Y/n- ahh okay well they can come too! And I'm going to be staying at the hype house until I ho back to my apartment cause of what happened the other day.
Nb-aww babes I'm going to miss you even tho we can FaceTime and you can come round here or I can come to the hype house!
Y/n-we can have a girls night soon!
I heard something from behind me and I turned round to see the one and only Bryce Hall.... he had stopped on the stairs and I went over to him.
Y/n-Bryce we need to talk...
B-follow me.

A/n:hi guys! Hope your liking the story so far! And 1 question do you guys want me to write some smunt? I mean it will be really weird for me to write but I could write some! Byeeeee💕

Sway la or hype house?!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora