Happily ever after ❤️❤️❤️

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Previously- T-she really is a bitch!
Y/n- yep but she was out in her place by you!
T-should we say something to nick?
Y/n-of course then the bitch will be gone.
Tayler laughed at me then he put his head on my chest and I played with his hair. A few minutes later I heard him snoring lightly then I began to drift off to sleep.
-the next morning-
I woke up and saw tayler was already out of bed. I picked up my phone and saw a few texts from the boys at sway saying for me to come over. I text back saying I would be over at 1pm since it was already 11:30am. I got out of bed and then I realised that I was still naked. I picked up me and taylers clothes that was laying on the ground and folded them. I stood up then felt someone snake there arms around my waist and kiss my neck. I looked up to see Tayler.
Y/n-hey so I'm going to sway cause they need to talk to me about something.
T-okay well I am going to be making some music so I can't come.
Y/n-well I'm leaving at one so we could have breakfast here then watch a movie before I go?
T-perfect babe!
He kissed my shoulder then I got clothes and ran into the bathroom that is connect to tay and nates bedroom. I locked the door and had a quick shower. I put my hair in a high ponytail then got changed into:

Tayler wore the grey sweats and the black top^I walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen and the house was surprisingly quite so i was able to hear someone crying

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Tayler wore the grey sweats and the black top^
I walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen and the house was surprisingly quite so i was able to hear someone crying. I turned the corner and saw Darianka in a ball on the floor crying. I kneeled down beside her and put my hand on her shoulder.
Y/n-you okay?
I said softly, she lifted her head a little then put her head back down.
Y/n-you want to talk about why your upset?...
D-well.... people h-have.... brought stuff up a-about my past and....
She took a deep breathe and I nodded at her so she would continue.
D-I-it's pretty bad... and I-I... I'm not proud o-of what I d-did... now people a-are saying c-cancel Darianka in m-my comments....
I actually felt so bad for her so I hugged her which she didn't hug back to at first but then she did. She cried into my shoulder then I heard someone clear there throat from behind. I turned round and saw nick standing there looking down.
N-Darianka we need to talk...
We both stood up and I gave her a quick hug then she followed nick to his room. I walked to the kitchen and saw tayler putting pancakes on two plates. I sat down and tayler gave me a plate.
Y/n-okay so who made these cause you didn't make these!
I took a bite and wow they are so good. I then moaned at how good they were. I looked at tayler and saw him chuckle. Then he sat beside me.
T-Keli Ann made them.
I nodded and we talked and once we finished them we went to his room and watched Bolt. Once the movie finished I order an uber and left to go to sway.
-skip to sway-
I got out the uber and went over to the door. I didn't bother to knock so I just walked in.
When I said that I heard lots of running. I looked at the stairs and saw all the boys running towards me. They all then hugged me and I fell over and all them landed on top of me.
Y/n-fuck! Get off me!
They all got off and Kio helped me up. I then saw a boy standing a bit back from them and Quinton too since were not that close but we still talk and get along well.
Griffin-okay so you know that Jaden and Josh sadly left well we were thinking that maybe you would like to be apart of sway as the first girl!
My eyes went wide and I nodded then jumped onto Anthony.
Y/n-yessss I would love to!
I jumped off Ant then walked over to the boy who I didn't know.
Y/n-hi I'm y/n!
??-I'm Blake!
I shook his hand and then I felt myself being picked up. I looked to see Bryce lifting me down the stairs and he went outside and he started running towards the pool.
He threw me in then when I came back to the surface I saw all the boys had jumped in too except ant who was filiming on Bryces camera I think. I got out of the pool and ant gave me a towel.
Y/n-tay will kill me these are his sweats!
Kio-he won't kill you.
They all got out of the pool and got dried then we went back inside. Once we got inside Bryce pulled me to the kitchen.
Bryce-look y/n I just really want to say again I'm really sorry about what happened at playlist! I was a dick and I'm so so so sorry! Also me and Abby aren't together anymore cause I think I still like Addison...
I smiled at him then hugged him.
Y/n-it's already forgotten and I can tell Addi still likes you too.
I pulled back from the hug and we went back to the living room. I sat in between Quinton and Griffin.
Ant-okay so do you want to live here or?....
Y/n-uh I guess I could I mean I would probably be at the hype house a lot too cause tays now apart of the hype house.
Griffin- okay I'm definitely going to make a YouTube video about you moving in!
Bryce-finally! You posted a lot then just stopped!
Y/n- exactly stupid ass hoe!
Ant-woah child language!
Y/n-shut the fuck up ant man!
We all started laughing then we defied it watch a movie.
Kio- i think y/n/n should choose the movie since she's are newest family member!
Y/n-oh hell yes!
Blake throws me the remote and I go on Netflix and put on outer banks.
Kio-very good choice!
Y/n-I know!
We watch about three episodes then I get a phone call from the ID of "My world🍆💕" I answer the phone and go into the kitchen.
Y/n-hey Tay!
T-hey babe I'm coming over to sway you still there?
Y/n-yea I'm still here and when you get here I have very good news for you!
T-well I'm just about five minutes away so I'll see you soon bye babe!
Y/n-bye Tay love you!
T-love you too babe!
I hang up then we all start watching outer banks again. Five minutes later there's a knock on the door. I jump up and run to the door. I open the door to see Tay standing there with salt and vinegar Pringles   M Y   F A V O U R I T E   ! ! !     I jump into his arms and peck his lips.
T-hey babe I got you these.
I get down from him and take the chips from him.
Y/n-why thank you my kind sir.
I take his hand and we go to the living room where everyone is. Tay sits down where u was and I sit on his lap since there was no where else to sit.
Y/n-okay so the news.... I'm apart of the Sway house now baby!
I cup tayler face in my hands and he smiles at me big.
T-first girl of sway!
He leans in and pecks my lips. I then rest my head on his chest.
T-if any of you every try anything with my girl or upset her in any way.... i will break all your bones! Got it?!
They all nodded and I laughed at Tay. We watched the rest of episode three then me and Tay went back to the hype house to get my stuff for moving.
-skip to finished packing-
Tay, Ondreaz, Kouvr, Tony and Thomas help me with my bags into an uber.
Th-I guess I missed my chance on asking you to be apart of the hype house.
Y/n-yes it is.
Th-you were actually the next person we were going to ask to apart of the house but stupid fucking sway beat us to it!
Y/n-hey they may be stupid but I'm apart of there house now so no bad mouthing them! And anyways my Tay stays here so you'll still see me a lot!
Th-true that!
Just then Alex's car pulls up and he gets out with two cages.
Alex-okay so y/n/n here are your dogs!
I ran over to the cages and Alex put them down. Before I opened them I hugged Alex tight and thanked him. I opened the cages and two little dogs came out. One dog was a sliver Labrador and a Australian shepherd.
Y/n-oh my god there so fucking cute!
Kouvr comes over beside me and pets them. I looked fated the silver lab and checked to see if it was a boy or girl and it was a boy. Then Kouvr checked the Australian shepherd and it was a girl.
Y/n-okay guys I have names for them! The lab is called chase and the shepherd is called ocean cause her eyes look like the ocean!
Tony- hey how come the dog gets named after chase and not me?
Ondreaz-or me!
Y/n-I didn't mean to name it after chase Hudson I called it chase cause me and my dad always said if we gave t a dog we would call it chase so that's what I am doing.
T-babe your too cute!
Kouvr gives me a big hug then me, Tay and the dogs get in the uber.
-skip to finish unpacking-
Finally after three hours of unpacking I'm done! Tay did help me for the fist two hours but Thomas had a meeting and needed Tay there so he left and the other boys were outside doing something stupid as fuck. I took a deep breathe and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I looked around my room and there was pictures of me and kouvr, me and the hype house people, me and Tay, me and my dad, me and Jaden, me and the sway boys, me and nessa, me and the dogs cause I printed them out not that long ago since Tay took a photo of me without knowing. This is a start of a great adventure! I'm so exited to be living with my best friends who are like my brothers! And I have the best boyfriend ever how I love so much! I can't wait to start a family.
-11 month later-
Right now I am in my bathroom at sway crying. Why you may ask well... long story short last week me and Tay had sex before we went to Texas to see his parents and sadly I couldn't go cause I have a lot of meetings about my new make up line. I have been sick every morning since then. The other day I told Kouvr and Nessa they both said I could be pregnant so I got a test. I took the test about twenty minutes ago and I have been crying for about fifteen minutes. Like what if tay doesn't want a baby right now? What if he doesn't want a kid with me?! My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening to reveal tay. Once he saw me he ran to my side and sat me on his lap.
T-whats wrong babe?!
I wiped my tears then stood up. I grabbed the test from the sink and gave it to him. He looked at it shocked then left the room. I started crying even harder knowing he was probably about to leave me and his baby. But then he ran back into the room and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he attacked my face with kisses.
T-fuck yes babe!
He ran to the kitchen we're everyone was. By everyone I mean Bryce, Griffin, Ant, Quinton, Blake, Payton, Jaden and Josh. Josh and jaden moved back in about seven months ago, Kio left about three months ago, Payton moved in about five months ago.
He gripped onto tay so I didn't fall off him. Then all the boys ran over to us and hugged us. Bryce then picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Bryce-I better be the god father!
T-maybe no.... get wait let's go talk baby stuff!
Yay grabbed my hand and we walked to my room and talked about lots of baby stuff.
-1 month later-
Me and Tay are in a fancy restaurant for are one year anniversary. We were just talking about how we first met and stuff like that then tay grabbed my hand.
T-I love you so fucking much y/n!
Y/n-I love you so much too Tay!
T-no but I mean like if you ever left I would be so lost without you! I don't even think I would be able to live without you cause even when I'm away for a week I miss you crazy!
Then tay got off his seat and got down on one knee. I put my hand over my mouth and smiled so big.
T-y/n since the first time I met you I thought you were the most prettiest girl ever! When I got to talk to you I felt like I could trust you with everything even if we didn't get to talk much! When we were at playlist I knew I had started falling for you like how could someone not fall for you! Your beautiful, smart, funny, kind and always have so much energy and that is why I love you so much! So y/n y/l/n will you marry me?
I felt a tear fall down my face and I nodded my head yes and I stood up.
Tay then slipped the ring on my finger that looked like this:

Sway la or hype house?!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ