Fuck boy😛😖

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Previously- Y/n-hey where's ry?
N-he went with Patrick and Calvin somewhere.
Y/n-and you could of woke Bryce up at least!
N-yes I could of but I didn't cause when I tried he just ignored me and threw his phone at me.
I rolled my eyes and ran and jumped on Bryce and shouted in his ear.
Y/n-get your ass up!
Bryce opened his eyes and I smile at him and he just laughed and pushed me off him. He got up and went to the bathroom. I sat on the bed beside nick and went on my phone and waited. About 10 minutes later Bryce came out of the bathroom dressed.
B-okay let's go get a Starbucks or something.
I stood up and got my phone.
Y/n-were going to dunkin!
I walked out of the room with Bryce and nick following behind me. I pressed the button to the elevator and we waited for it.
Y/n-so how you guys sleep?
B-okay but Ryland slapped me a few times.
Y/n-oh god.
The elevator door opened and we walked in and pressed the ground floor.
N-you guys exited to meet the fans?
Y/n-yes but I'm really nervous cause I've never done anything like this!
N-you'll be fine y/n just don't think to much about it and relax cause there here to meet you.
I nodded my head and bit my lip cause I was actually really nervous to meet the fans what if they dint like me what if I smell bad!
The elevator door opened and we walked out. I saw Charli and Addison so I ran up to them and hugged them both.
Ch-where you going?
Y/n-I'm going to dunkin for breakfast.
Ad-who you going with?
Y/n-Bryce and nick.
Ch-ooo the lover boys!
I knew that right now my face was probably a light shade of red.
Ad-so they made any moves? Did nick cuddle you? Did he kiss you?!!!!
Y/n-first too much questions and bye I'm hugely we can talk about this later.
Ch-omg something happened!
I winked at them and I walked over to Bryce and nick.
Y/n-let's go fuckers!
-after dunkin-
We came back and the hotel lobby was full of people and I got so fucking nervous. I think Bryce noticed cause he grabbed my hand and nick lead us in. When we entered the hotel lobby everyone started screaming and taking photos and videos. I held on to Bryces hand tighter and then some body guards came and lead us to the elevator and we went up to the room, I walked in and I let go of Bryces hand and flopped onto my bed and groaned.
Y/n-ugh there's so much people! I can't do it, it's to much for me!
I stood up and started pacing the room back and forth then Bryce put his hands on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.
B-you'll be fine y/n okay? Just breathe remember there here to meet you they love you okay?
I nodded my head and Bryce walked away and sat on a chair and I walked into the bathroom and touched up my make up and sorted my hair then I sprayed some perfume. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone.
N-you guys ready to go?
Y/n-uh... yea I guess...
B-yes lest go!
We all walk out of the room and saw some body guards at the elevator. We all got in the elevator with the body guards. Once we were at the ground floor the body guards helped us get to the lounge room where everyone else was. We walked in and I saw nessa so I ran over to her and sat beside her.
Y/n-hi babes!
Nb-babes omg hi!
Just then Charli stood on one of the tables.
Charli looked at me and winked, I rolled my eyes and her and knew what she wanted to talk about. Nessa grabbed my hand and pulled me up and we walked to the next room where all the girls were sitting. I sat down and nessa sat on my lap since there wasn't any other seats.
Ch-okay so y/n....
Y/n-fuck off I knew you were going to ask me something!
Ad-well we couldn't let you not tell us what happened last cause we know something happened!
Y/n-well... me and nick as you guys know where sharing a bed and we couldn't get to sleep so we decided to play 20 questions then he just kissed me! And I kissed back... and yes I do still like him but I also like someone else....
K-omg he kissed you?!
D-you guys need to get back together!
Av-no y/n and Bryce I ship!!!
Nb-same avani!
K-I just want y/n to be with someone who makes her happy!
Y/n-Aww boo! And I think I might tell Bryce that I like him...
Av-yes bitch!
Ch-look there's Bryce and he's going on the elevator!
D-omg go tell him how you feel!
K-yes now go!
Nessa got off my lap and I got up and walked to the door then I turned and looked at all the girls.
Charli pushed me out and I ran to the stairs and took the stairs. Once I got to my floor I walked down the hall and the closer I got to my room I got even more nervous. I stopped right outside my room door and I hesitated to open the door but I opened it and saw Bryce under a girl, he had his top off and well the girls top was till on but it wasn't really much of a top. I froze where I was they were still making out then I sighed and Bryce looked in my direction and he shot up and came over to me but I just backed up  and ran to the elevator. He chased after me and he got into the elevator with me.
Y/n-why you following me?
I whispered trying to hold back my tears.
B-cause you seemed upset...
Y/n-huh? W-what would I.. un be upset about?...
B-I don't know maybe that I was making out with a girl?..
Y/n-no... yes.. maybe I- I don't know...
B-so you like me?
I looked up and Bryce was right in front of me and I took a deep breathe.
I whispered and looked down at my feet, he put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up and he leaned in but I stopped him.
Y/n-who is sh-
The elevator door opened but before I could leave he pressed are floor number and the door shut.
Y/n-so who is she?
I crossed my arms mad at him cause he was just making out with some girl and now he's trying to kiss me.
B-uh she's my... girlfriend....
Y/n-your what?!
I gasped he tried to kiss me while having a girlfriend what the actual fuck!
Y/n-so you tried to kiss me while having a girlfriend?!
B-she doesn't mean anything to me I was just trying to make you jealous cause I really like you...
He took a step closer to me and I backed up.
Y/n-so you were okay with playing with a girls feelings just to make another girl jealous?!
B-I uh...
Y/n-wow okay guess what forget I ever said anything! And I was really dumb enough to think that when people called you a fuck boy it wasn't true but I guess it is...
The elevator door opened and walked out and ran down the stairs and ran to the room with all the girls and when I shit the door I broke down crying.
All the girls came over to me and hugged me.
N-you okay?
I looked up and saw nick and Alex there.
Y/n-I... uh yea.
I wiped my tears and I stood up and sat beside kouvr and she hugged me and I laid my head on her chest.
K-come with me.
Kouvr took my hand and we walked into a bathroom and I broke down crying and she hugged me tight.
K-what happened boo?
Y/n-he... he w-was with his.. his g-girlfriend but he... s-said he d-didn't like her...
I took a deep breathe.
Y/n-and he... s-said he w-was just with... with her t-to make me jealous... s-so that j-just proves he... he's a f-fuck boy... ugh STUPID FUCKING BOYS!
I pushed kouvr away and threw my phone at the wall and slid down the door and cried into my knees. Kouvr came and sat down beside me and she pulled me into a hug.
K-ahh boo your okay, no boy is worth your time okay? You'll find the one soon and you'll get married and have kids and have an amazing future! And you never know you maybe already met your soulmate!
I nodded and tried to calm down before the meet and greet.
-25 minutes later-
Me and kouvr where still in the same position as before and I had calmed down and stopped crying a few minutes ago.
K-we need to go boo, the meet and greet starts in 20 minutes and we didn't help them set up but that's okay cause that would be shit!
I laughed a little and I lifted my head up and looked at kouvr.
K-I'll help sort your make up and it will look like you never even cried okay?
I nodded my head and we both stood up and I went over to my phone and it had so many smash's on it but oh well it doesn't matter... I walked over to the mirror and I looked a mess.
-10 minutes later-
K-look at you!
She put her hands on my shoulders and she stood behind me. I looked in the mirror and if you liked closer you could tell I was crying but it doesn't matter we have to go.
Y/n-t-thank you so much boo... I don't deserves best friend like you!
I turned and hugged kouvr so tight.
Y/n-I love you boo...
K-I love you too boo.
K-now let's go!
Kouvr grabs my hand and we run out and we run into the room where the meet and greets where happening. All the girls came over and hugged me and then Alex and ondreaz came over and hugged me too.
O-you guys are just on time.
Y/n-yea I know.
I walked over to where I was meant to stand. A few minutes later there were so much fucking people here! I was beyond nervous. The first person came up to me was a girl about 14 and she was with a man I was guessing was her dad.
??-OMG y/n I love you so much!
Y/n-Aww thank you so much what's your name sweetie?
??-my names Olivia!
Y/n-that's such a pretty name!
I gave her a hug and we took some photos then she left.
-2 hours later-
There were only a few more people left and this group of girls came over to me and one of them gave me a little dragon teddy and it was so cute.
Fan girl 1-oh by the way you and nick are so perfect for each other!
Fan girl 2-yes I agree!
Fan girl 3-no y/n and ondreaz would be endgame!
Y/n-oh no no no me and ondreaz are like brother and sister! I would never date him it would be so weird!
Fan girl 4- come on guys we need to go bye y/n!
-10 minutes later-
We were back stage when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned round and it was the one and only fuck boy Bryce Hall!
B-we need to talk!
Y/n-no, no we don't!
Bryce rolled his eyes and he put me over his shoulders and carried me to another room.

A/n: okay so this took me longer to write and I don't know why! Byeee💕

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