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Previously- I sat down on the sun loungers and I looked over at the boys and nick was staring at me with a smirk on his face and his eyes full of lust. I looked away and put a towel around me.
-1 hour later-
I had fell asleep on the sun lounger and that was a bad mistake.
Nicks pov
Once me and y/n jumped into the pool I turned round and looked at y/n and saw her boobs had came out of her swimsuit but she quickly sorted it and got out of the pool. Damn she's so beautiful. I go to it of the pool and went over to the boys and I looked over at y/n and couldn't help but smirk at her. Then she looked up and saw me looking at her and she looked away and put her towel round her.
-1 hour later-
Me, the boys and girls except y/n were all in the pool. Y/n had fell asleep about 45 minutes ago.
B-hey you guys we should pout water over y/n to wake her up!
Everyone- yea!
I didn't want them to pour water over her cause she looked so peaceful just laying there.
N-why you want to do that?
B-cause she did that to me this morning!
I nodded my head and Bryce got out of the pool and went inside for a cup and he filled it up with cold water and he put some ice cubes in the cup as well. He walked over to her and Alex was recording him.
Everyone- 3,2,1 go!
Bryce poured the water over y/n's face and the ice cubes fell onto the floor. Y/n jumped up.
Y/n'S pov
I was sleeping until I felt freezing cold liquid be poured onto my face then some ice cubes so I jumped up and saw Bryce and shouted.
Bryce just started laughing and I picked up the 3 ice cubes off the floor and through them at him. Then he ran away and I chased him inside. He ran up the stairs and into is room and I opened the door and saw him I jumped on him and he fell back onto his bed and I was straddling him. I punched his chest and smacked his head and he tried to get me off of him. Then he started tickling me and I stopped and fell to the floor.
Y/n-b-Bryce stop...
He stopped tickling me and I sat up beside him still on the floor.
B-dont pour water over me again okay?
Y/n-yea okay I totally won't....
I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes, he stood up and held his hand out and I took his hand and he helped me up.
Y/n-thank you Bryce....
He nodded his head then we went back outside beside everyone. I walked over to jaden and I wrapped my arms around him and he put his arms around my neck.
J-hi flower, we should get packing for playlist tomorrow!
Y/n-oh yea playlist is tomorrow I forgot about that.
He kissed my forehead and I smiled up at him then said bye to everyone. I went up stairs to my room and went for a shower. 20 minutes later I came out of the shower and I put my hair in a messy bun and put on:

 20 minutes later I came out of the shower and I put my hair in a messy bun and put on:

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I walked out of the bathroom and then I jumped on my bed. When I jumped on my bed I heard a crack and I felt something sharp poke me from under the bed covers. I pull the covers back and see a raw egg cracked on my bed. Ughh Bryce must of done this whata bitch! He'll be sorry. I get up off my bed and I put my feet in my slippers and there where eggs in my slippers and they cracked on my feet.
Just then my door burst open and I walked into my bathroom with the door still open and kio, Quintion, Josh and nessa ran to my bathroom door.
Nb-ong babes are you okay?
Josh-what that son of a bitch do?
Y/n-I'm fine just Bryce put a raw egg in my bed and in my slippers! So now I'm going to shoot him with the point ball gun!
I cleaned my feet and I walked out my room with them following me. I went outside and saw the paint ball gun on the floor beside the pool. I picked it up and made sure there was paint balls and there was about 7, so I walked inside with them still following me and I walked up stairs and I opened Bryces bedroom door and he was laying on his bed with his phone. He looked at me and saw me with the paint ball gun and his eyes widened then he put his phone down and he sat up and put his hands up.
B-omg please don't y/n!
Y/n-yes I will cause you ruined my slippers! And I just bought them and they were $15! So rest in peace bitch!
I shoot bryce on the fore arm and he screams then I shoot him again on his back then I stop.
Y/n-that's enough.... for now!
B-that was sore you ass hole!
Y/n-shit up dick face!
B-yea you'd probably like jadens dick on your face.
I turned round and I pointed the gun at him and he laughed and shouted swear words at me. I shot him on the chest and his leg and then I stopped and walked out of the room. I walked into my room and locked the door then noticed jaden on my bed. Ugh i need to tell him that I think we're better as being best friends. Jaden sat up and put his phone in his pocket and I walked over to my bed and I put the paint ball gun down and I hoped on the bed beside him. I looked at my fingers while I fiddled with my fingers.
J-hey you okay flower?
Y/n-uh... i-um.... ugh no I'm not.....
J-why not?
Y/n-it's just... I think we should break up.... cause I just feel like we're-
J-better as best friends.....
J-well if I'm honest that's why I was here.
I sighed in relief and looked at him.
J-of course flower!
I hugged him and then remembered I had to pack for playlist! I stood up and jaden looked at me with a puzzled look.
Y/n-can you please help me pack for playlist?
I did puppy dog eyes and he nodded then stood up and came over to me and helped me.
-1 hour later-
We finally finished packing and I had 2 suitcases and I back pack.
J-why you packed so much?
Y/n-oh cause me and some people from the hype house are going to stay for an other week and we're going to go to Disney and universal! He nodded his head and smiled.
Y/n-you can come if you want just like old times!
J-I would love to but I can't I have so much stuff to do when I come back!
Y/n-aw well we can go back some other time.
Me and jadens family always ised to go to Orlando and go to All the Disney and universal parks. It was always so much but then my dad died and my mom spent all her money and jadens family moved away so we stopped going which sucked.
J-want to order a Wendy's?
J-uh fineeee!
He went on his phone and ordered the McDonalds and we watched some Disney+. Then we ate are McDonalds then we watched some more Disney+ then we fell asleep cuddling like old times.

A/n: hi guys, I'm sorry I didn't update either of my story's yesterday but it's cause I was having a day with my my mom and dad! Byeeee💕

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