Bed situation😬

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Previously-  A-come on girls we need to go!
Y/n-were coming alex!
We all run over to everyone and we board the plane. I sit at the window seat beside Charli and beside Charli is mia. I look out the window then I put my AirPods in and listen to music and I fall asleep.
-skip to plane landing-
I felt someone nudge my shoulder and I open my eye slightly to see Charli beside me getting her stuff.
Y/n-we here already?
Charli-yes we are so hurry up y/n/n.
Y/n-okay okay I will.
I take my AirPods out and put them in my bag and I hold my bag and we start getting off the plane.
-skip to hotel-
We were standing at the front desk waiting to see who was sharing rooms with who.
A-okay ak the rooms are.... nessa, josh, griffin and Dixie . Me, kouvr, Patrick and Calvin. Chase, paper, jack and james. tony, ondreaz and jaden. Anthony, avani, Payton and Jackson. Addison and Charli you guys have just got 1 bed in your room And last is Ryland, nick, Bryce and.... y/n.
I rolled my eyes of course I would be in a room with nick my ex who I still love, Bryce who I like and ryland who last time I checked liked me! Ugh this is shit! I looked to avani who was standing next to me and she put her hand round my shoulder then she whispered in my ear.
Av- you going to be okay?
Y/n-uh-I yea I guess..... it's just such a big coincidence that I'm in a room with them...
Av-you'll be fine y/n/n I know you will.
I nod my head and agree with her then we walked to the elevator and all the girls go in one.
Y/n-okay guys so I'm probably going to die because of this so at 9 tonight we're going to go out just us girls and just have a fun girls night!
Charli-but no drink I got or I can't come and we're shouldn't drink cause we have a meet and greet tomorrow morning anyways.
Y/n-I'll just have 1 drink!
Dixie-sams here!
Kouvr-well if y/n's drinking then I'll have a drink.
The elevator bings and we get off I walk to my door and Addison and charlis room is next to mine.
Y/n-okay you guys if there is a problem in the night I'm coming to your room to sleep with you guys!
Ad-okay that's fine y/n/n
Charli-hey you might have guys fighting over y-
Y/n-shh the boys are coming!
Charli and Addi gave me the thumbs up and went into their room and I waited till the boys got to the door since I didn't have one of the keys.
Ryland looked in his pocket for the keys and Bryce and jaden stood beside him and I was leaning against the door frame then I heard someone walking then someone stopped beside me. I turned and saw jaden, he looked at me and we both burst out of laughter because he Definitely knew this was going to be awkward for me. Ryland opened the door and all the boys walked in and jaden said to em as he was walking away.
J-good luck flower!
And the boys definitely heard him cause they all looked at me so I shouted back to jaden.
Y/n-shut up and don't get on my nerves!
Jaden just laughed and walked into his room and I walked into mine.
Y/n-so who's sleeping with who?
I sat down on one of the beds and they all looked at each other then me.
B-uh we thought you could chose who to sleep with so it's not awkward for you.
I then whispered under my breathe so none of them could hear me.
Y/n-to late it's already awkward.
I sighed and laid on the bed I was sitting on.
Y/n-well I'm sleeping on this bed and I don't mind who I share with.
Well shit y/n you do care you don't want to share with any of them.... ughhhhh!
Y/n-okay I'm going to have a shower and you guys can decide...
I stood up and took my wash bag and make up bag into the bathroom and I played my playlist.
-15 minutes later-
I got out of the shower and I dryed my hair then realised I didn't take any clothes in the bathroom with me. I wrapped the towel around my body and I opened the bathroom door a light and no one was there so I walked out of the bathroom and bent down and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase then I heard someone clear there throat. I shot straight up and turned round and saw nick sitting on a chair and I felt my face burn up.
Y/n-oh... I- uh forgot my clothes and I didn't know you where here.... sorry
N-oh no it's okay....
I saw him look me up and down then he grabbed a pillion and he put it over his- oh....
y/n-I' just... going to change now...
N-oh-uh... yea cool okay...
I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door and I text Charli.

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