Pool party🥳

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Previously- About 15 minutes later the door bell rang and I jumped up and ran down the stairs and opened the door and there stood...

The one and only Jaden hossler. I ran to him and hugged him really tight. Oh god I missed him so much😫
Y/n-omg jaden I've missed you so much
(J-jaden hossler)
J-I've missed you too y/n!
I let go of him and there was a few other boys behind him.
?-bro aren't you gonna introduce us?
J-oh yea sorry bro
J-y/n this is bryce Hall
He pointed to the guy beside him who had fluffy hair
(B-bryce Hall)
B-sup y/n
J-and this is anthony reeves, josh Richards, kio cyr, and griffin Johnson.
They all waved and I waved back.
Y/n-come in
They all came in and we all sat down on the couch then the doorbell rang again
Y/n-ughhh I just sat down oh well
I got up and went to the door just before I opened the door nick ran to the door and smiled at me then opened the door.
?-hey nick it's been a while
Nick and the guy did that weird thing that boys do (if you know you know)
N-hey Tayler this is y/n!
(Th-Tayler holder)
Th-hey y/n I've heard a lot about you
He turns and looks at nick and nick looks down and scratches the back of his neck
Y/n-well that's interesting
I looked at nick who was red in the face. Me and Tayler laughed and I went to sit down again
J-so how's your mom y/n?
Y/n-oh Um she's okay...
I really didn't want to talk about my mom so I tried to change the subject QUICK!
Y/n-so what you guys want to watch while we wait for the others to arrive?
(K-kio cyr)
K-let's watch cars!
(A-Anthony Reeves)
A-ugh we always watch that tho bro
K-but it's so good! Sure it is josh?
(Jr-josh Richards)
Jr-it's good but not when you watch it over and over all the time
Kio rolled his eyes
J-how about we watch old yeller
Jaden looked at me. Then I remembered we used to watch that all the time when we were kids and I would always cry and he would hold me.
Y/n-OMG yes
J-so do you remember?
Y/n-of course I do we would always watch that movie!
J-yea and you would always cry and I would always need to hold you
We put on old yeller and watched about 20 minutes of it then the door bell rang again this time kouvr got it and I paused the movie and went over to the door and kouvr opened the door.
K-hey everyone this is y/n
K-y/n this is nessa, Jason, joe, Payton, Jackson, madi and Cynthia
Y/n-hi everyone
N-OMG y/n it's so nice to meet you.
She hugs me
Y/n-it's nick to meet you too nessa!
Everyone else said hi and came in exept Cynthia she just looked me up and down then walked right past me. I looked at kouvr.
K-yea um she can be a bitch but it doesn't matter
Kouvr side hugged me then took my hand and we sat on the couch and waited for everyone to come down stairs.
P-let's get this party started bitches!
Everyone cheered and some people went outside to the pool and some stayed in the couch and some people went to the kitchen. I got up and went to the kitchen where tony,avani,Anthony,jaden and Patrick was at.
T-hey you want anything to drink
Y/n-All have whatever your having
He went and poured up a drink and came over to me and gave me a cup.
T-by the way it has some alcohol in it.
Y/n-yea that's fine
I took a drink and it was pretty good.
Y/n-wow that's good what's in it?
T-well there's lemonade, vodika and some rum.
Y/n-well it's really good so thank you Tony
T-no problem sweetie
He winked at me and I went outside and sat at the edge of the pool with my legs in the pool. Then someone sat beside me I looked and it was jaden I smiled at him.
J-so... you dating anyone?
Y/n-nope, are you dating anyone?
J-um well it's complicated
Y/n-tell me the whole story
J-okay so I dated this girl called mads and then we broke up cause we thought we weren't ready for a relationship and now we still hang about and I still like her but I also like someone else.
Y/n-ooo who's the other person you like?
J-uhhh.... that is going to stay a secret right now.
Y/n-fine, so your tiktok famous and a rockstar
Y/n-uhhh I'm so jealous you must be living the best life!
J-well it's not as good as it seems it's a lot of work but I do love it!
Y/n-and you also live in a house with another 5 famous tiktok boys.
J-yea it's pretty fun but they can be annoying sometimes.
Y/n-yea I could imagine
I looked over to the other side of the pool and seen Bryce pick up kio and throw him in the pool then he screamed and jumped in and the same with some of the other boys I laughed and turned back to jaden.
Y/n-they seem crazy!
J-they are very
Just then Cynthia came up to jaden
C-hey jaden want to go get a drink with me
She bite her bottom lip and st rocked his arm. Omg it was so weird! Jaden looked at me then turned back to Cynthia
I-uhh well I was kinda catching up with y/n but maybe later
Cynthia looked at me then back at jaden
C-come on jaden I'm sure THAT won't mind
Jaden looked at me and mouthed I'm sorry
Y/n-it's fine jaden you go get a drink I'll go and talk to the others
J-okay y/n
He stood up and Cynthia grabbed his hand and took him inside. Why does he have to be so god damn cute! I got up and over to talk to bryce and Tayler.
T-hey y/n
B-yay y/n's here
T-wanna go in the pool?
Y/n-uh not right now I'm not in the m-
I got cut of by Bryce picking me up bridle style and he ran towards the pool and I screamed
He jumped in the pool and I smacked him on the arm playfully
Y/n-I hate you
He laughed then put me down then Tayler jamp in
T-now your in the pool
Y/n-yep I guess so
B-omg we should all play frisbee in the pool
Anthony through the frisbee and Tayler jamp and caught it we played for a few minutes.
B-omg we should all play a game
T-yea like spin the bottle
B-I'll play if y/n's down
T-you down to play y/n?
Y/n-yea, I'll go tell everyone inside.
I got out the pool and felt like bruce was staring at my ass I turned round and started at him
B-oh shit I was caugh (he said sarcastically)
I smirk and shook my head and walked inside and I heard Bryce
B-she got some cake
T-yea she does
I laughed and went inside and shouted
I went and got an empty bottle and put it on the table and sat on the couch and waited till everyone was sitting down.
Y/n-okay so this is how it's gonna work someone will spin the bottle and whoever it lands on they have to kiss and it doesn't matter if it's the same gender we're all just doing this for a laugh! Okay? So who wants to go first?
Bryce spun the bottle and it landed on................

A/n- hi btw if you haven't noticed I like doing cliffhangers aha. Hope you guys liked this chapter byeeee!💕

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