14 - Flying as One

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⚠️!TRIGGER WARNING!⚠️ This chapter has moments of (sexual) assault. You have been warned.
"Got you now you little b*tch." A familiar voice aggressively whispered in my ear. It was the same dude from earlier that I knocked out cold. I looked around dumbfounded for a moment to see that he got in through my window that was wide open. I thought I locked that, what the...

I was still half asleep so it was really difficult to process anything but it was quite easy to figure out what was happening. I tried to kick him as he had one hand covering my mouth and the other hand holding both of my wrists down but, this meat head had somehow tied a rope around my ankles and tied that rope to the bed. I couldn't move.

I squirmed trying to loosen the ropes around my ankles or his grip on my wrists or even my mouth but it wasn't enough in the position I was in. He then decided to stuff some sort of cloth into my mouth almost making me gag. The feeling of his skin on mine, knowing his intentions made me want to cry but now was not the time to start crying. Actually... maybe it was.

I was trying to figure out how to ignore him and get out but felt shivers get sent up my spine as I felt his hand travel from my knee and up my thigh.

"You humiliated me so, I think you need a lesson."

I screamed and shouted as loud as I could but it wasn't working as the cloth was blocking out my voice so, I tried ripping my ankles from the rope. His hand was now bringing up the bottom of my gown and he was starring straight down at my chest, licking his lips. I almost threw up because I have never felt more disgusted in my life. I was tiring my self out from trying to break free and the man on top of me began chuckling, "I going to enjoy this."

His hand was now very much way to close to my nether regions and I could feel his fingers brush against my lower abdomen as they hooked onto the rim of my underwear.

In raw fear I used all of my strength to push my self forward and head butt him in on the forehead as hard as I possibly could without thinking. I hit hard enough for him to let go of my wrists so I could take the gag out of my mouth, "Get off me!!" I shrieked at the very top of my lungs while punching the creep in the face. He fell off the bed giving me enough time to slip my ankles free and tackle him down.

(bad parts over no worries all's good again)

Now I was just out right furious and shaking from adrenaline wearing off, "I really thought we went over your behavior earlier." Now Im definitely going to Pit for this, "Guards! I need you in my quarters this instant!" I shouted through my laurel. A few centurions entered the room moments later, "Take him to a cell. Don't ask just do it." Once that was done I had to leave the room for some fresh air so I went out the window, grabbing a small, white blanket and wrapping it around my waist. It draped over my bottom and just gave a sense of security.

I flew higher than normal so I could only see the clouds all around me, "Why is this so hard?!" I cried out as loud as I could in anger with watery eyes.

"Why is what so hard?" Someone said right in my ear. I jumped a bit before moving down faster that Pit can be extracted from a battle. Clumsily, I stopped where I was and tried looking around but couldn't see anyone, "Hello...?"

"Hey." The same voice said behind me again. Spinning around, I still didn't see anyone, "Ok would you come out now?" I snapped my head around in all directions.

"I mean I could... but this is more fun." Thats when I realized who I was being fooled around with, "Pittoo why are you like this." I sighed with a smile and kept flying.

"I just think it's funny seeing you confused." He appeared next to me in an instant, "What are you doing out this late?"

"Uh- well- someone broke into my room and well how should I put this... I-I've just had a rough night! I can't really explain but let's just say someone broke into my room. I was able to get him though so he's shouldn't be a problem any more." I sighed again and rubbed the back of my head, "I'm just glad I stopped him before something really bad happened."

Dark Pit seemed a bit aggravated all of a sudden, "you said it was a 'him'? What did he do?" He growled before his eyes went wide, "you're bleeding!"

I was a bit confused for a moment before I felt the top of my forehead begin to sting, "am I? I didn't even notice." I shrugged, acting like it wasn't a big deal so it seemed like it wasn't, "I'll go clean up!" I turned quickly back to the palace only to notice that Dark Pit was following, "Why are you following me?" I asked while taking the blanket around my waist and wiping the blood from my forehead.

"Just cause- your ankles...!" He quickly flew closer, "What really happened?" Dark Pit practically demanded but I just shrugged it off, "Nothing really..." Thankfully he left it alone. I didn't realize my ankles were bruised and bleeding.

We flew in silence and I could feel myself getting a headache the closer we got to the palace. It grew and grew the more I flapped my wings and so I brought a hand to my temple and tried to at least soothe it. The palace was now in view but my head was throbbing making it difficult to even see. I noticed Dark Pit looking at me with worry.

"You doin' ok?" Dark pit flew under me and turned so his back was too the clouds. I couldn't lie, "no... my head..." I tried my best to get the message out but I could feel myself on the brink of collapsing from the pain. I think it was obvious of how I was feeling so he grabbed both of my hands and pulled me closer to him, "just close your eyes and try to not move your wings." He spoke softly.

It was extremely difficult to focus on anything but I quickly closed my eyes and went into gliding mode, not even paying attention to Dark Pit anymore. I couldn't tell what was really happening but I know the pain made it nearly impossible to keep my eyes open and to hold myself up. I felt Dark Pit let go of my hands and wrap his arms around my waist, pressing me against his chest.

I didn't realize it but, this actually brought me lots of comfort. I felt safe from falling and Pittoos arms were extremely warm unlike the cold breeze of the night. I could feel we were very close to the palace now and Pittoo whispered in my ear.

"Close your wings. Try to bring them as close to your body as you can." His voice was very calm and surprisingly deep. I did what he said even if it brought me closer to collapsing but I soon felt him wrap his wings around me before quickly holding me bridal style and the air was still. We were finally in my room.

I could feel him carry me in the direction of my bed but I was getting bad vibes and snippets of memories from just a while ago so, I did my best to get that message out, "N.. not there..."

I could feel my voice shaking from just flashbacks and felt my eyes watering, "anywhere but there..." I could feel Dark Pit looking down and me and I only held on tighter to his tunic, "...please..." I felt tears building up in my eyes.

He didn't waste one moment to walk to the opposite end of the room and sit down with me still in his arms. He sat me down in his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around me, "I'm here I'm here... your safe." He ran his fingers through my hair and nudged my head to rest on his chest. I held onto him tightly fearing that someone might come for me again in my sleep but my head was throbbing and as soon as I closed my eyes, I was out like a light, still griping onto Dark Pits tunic.

Dark Pits P.O.V
Someone is going to die tonight.

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