10 - Hot Spring pt. 1

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Your P.O.V
I'm such an idiot! I'm going to lock myself in my room and never come out. I flew as fast as I could back to the temple and jumped right back through my window; closing it just as Pit reached it.

"(Y/n)! Please let me in..." He gave me puppy eyes but I only looked away.

"Please? Can we at least talk?" At this point a tear rolled down my cheek. I'm literally so embarrassed and the way he reacted... I don't think a kiss was on his mind or anything romantic!

"This is the only way back in the temple. Palutena mega locks all the doors when she goes to bed so no one can come in...." He has a point.

I turned around with my head down and opened the window, quickly turning back around and walking away.

"(Y/n)... are you ok?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back over to him. Still not turning around, he grabbed my shoulders and physically rotated me to face him.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop crying. I heard Pit gasp when he saw my face, "Why are you crying?" He bent down to my level and moved the hair from my face. When I turned my head away, he used the same hand and used his thumb and index finger to grab my chin and make me look at him.

"Don't cry..." I looked at him in the eyes when I heard the hurt tone of his voice. He looked like he was about to cry.

"W-why are you a-about to cry?" I asked.
"Cause you're crying and it hurts to see you cry..."

"Why does seeing me cry make you want to cry?" I asked.

"Because I care about you." What a load of crap.

"Pshhh yeah right." I looked away. All of these emotions suddenly hit me and I feel like a mess.

"No I really do!" He stood up and hugged me. But it wasn't his usual hugs. His head was buried in the crook of my neck and I could feel his heartbeat going faster than I could think. After a moment I returned the hug let my tears soak into Pit shirt. We hugged for a while before I felt my exhaustion weighing down at my eye lids.

I'm sure Pit felt the same way as he picked me up bridal style and threw me into my bed.
"I'm sleeping here tonight."

"Are you sure?" My cheeks were already warm but now they are blazing. And I mean like they should be glowing at this point.

"Positive." He got under the covers and pulled me into an embrace. It was so warm and I felt safe with him but- Pit is in my bed. Pit is in my bed. Pit is in my bed. I felt his breathing slow down even though his heart rate was going light speed.

I don't know how long I was awake for but I eventually fell asleep.

Pits P.O.V
I have no clue what I'm doing but it seems to working. I'm now in her bed. She probably thinks I'm crazy and I'll have to live with that at this point. Thank goodness we don't have a mission tomorrow...

I finally fell asleep but was awoken but something. Or someone I should say.

Your P.O.V
I woke up to pit mumbling strange things.
"(Y/n) hmmm..." I could barely make out what he was saying but I had already heard enough.
I'm sure I was glowing bright red as I backed up and fell off the bed, "ouch." I rubbed my bum and stood up.

Pit was still sleep mumbling as I walked around the bed to see his face. He looked so peaceful... I kneeled down to get a closer look but he then opened his eyes.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing up?" He asked. I froze, caught red handed staring at him while he sleeps.

"Uhhh well you see... you were talking in your sleep and I didn't know if you were having a nightmare or not so, I wasn't sure if I should wake you up or not but it seems you're fine so I'll just go back to sleep! But you know on the sofa this time!" I turned around in a rush but he grabbed my waist and hoisted me into the bed next to him and without saying a word he went right back to sleep.

I went to sleep after an hour or so trying to process what was going on. Thank goodness we don't have a mission tomorrow.
The next morning I woke up to Pit in full on snuggle mode next to me. He had his head buried in my chest, his arms were wrapped around my stomach and his legs were tangled with mine. How did this happen? I have no clue. It felt nice though. But at the same time I'm tensing cause this feels so strange.

Squeezing out of his strong grip I was able to free myself. Don't ask. I have no clue how he didn't wake up.

I changed into some casual clothes and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hi Palutena!" I waved to her.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" She grinned at me. Holy crap does she know?!

"Good good... so whats cookin'?" I asked hungrily.

"Nothing yet but I was just about to start making breakfast. Why don't you go take a bath in the hot springs while you wait?"

"You have hot springs?!" Since when and why didn't no one tell me is what my mind was thinking. I've been using the shower this whole time.

"Yep! Go enjoy them while you have the day off!" Palutena laughed.

I ran off after she gave me directions to the hot springs. Once I was there, I grabbed a towel off the rack and changed out of my clothes in the changing room.

I ran out and jumped in the water, throwing my towel off last second. It felt soooo good... it's like I'm at an expensive spa but it's free! It was very steamy in here so I could barely see but I decided to float around in the water for a bit. It's like all my bruises and scratches are just melting away! Cause they are!

Then, I heard the door open. I couldn't see who it was but I sunk into the water and called out, "hello?"

"(Y/n)?" What the heck was Pit doing here?! Isn't there another hot spring for the dudes?!
"Yep I'm here. So uh... what ya doing here?"
"Taking a soak!" He yelled as he jumped in somewhere else in the hot spring, making me float away.

There is a boy in the hot springs with me?! Is this allowed?!

I kept looking around to see if he was anywhere near me but it was in vain. The steam is blocking my view. Naturally, I crossed my arms over my chest even though only my head is out of the water. I used my wings as a subtle shield under the water. I'm embarrassed and don't want him to see anything.

"There you are."

Ah shit.

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now