1 - Beutiful Eyes

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Your P.O.V
Eggs, rice, steak... I look over my list to make sure I had everything on there... and, we're good to go!

Throwing on my black cloak, I opened to door only to feel icy wind whip at my face stinging my cheeks. Gusts of freezing air nearly pushing me back.

Rain... great. I sighed as my (h/c) hair flew in every direction and rain dampened my [light/dark] (f/c) tunic.

Sighing, I stepped out the door and threw my hoodie on covering my self with its thick, fluffy trim, fixing my hair. Icy rain hit my nose making me flinch as I ran down the muddy road to the market.

"Careful miss (y/n)!" I heard miss Eleanor call out from her porch as I ran by, "it's mighty windy today!"

"I will don't worry! Just need to run a few errands!" I continued on, pushing through and finally made it to the market which thankfully, was sheltered by all the surrounding buildings and had tarps over the shops which were usually used to block out the sun.

I walked up to the nearest shop and my eyes widened, "Closed?! I came all this way though in the rain..." I grumbled, "I need a drink, maybe some hot coco..." Walking over to the nearest restaurant, an empty booth presented itself to me from the corner of the room as I ordered myself a nice warm cup of coco.

My names (y/n). That's it. No last name. I don't have a family after all, no relatives or anything. I was dropped off at this village as a baby with nothing else. Just a tattoo on my back. No one knows where I came from or who my parents are but the village is all I have known my whole life.

            (This is just an idea what your tattoo looks like)(You can determine if the lettering at the top is apart of it lolz)                                        ***About an hour went by before the rain had finally stopped and the shops had...

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            (This is just an idea what your tattoo looks like)
(You can determine if the lettering at the top is apart of it lolz)
About an hour went by before the rain had finally stopped and the shops had opened up again. My clothes had somewhat dried and I sprinted out to beat the crowd.

Too bad every one else had the same idea. People everywhere we're shoving and pushing against me as if I were fighting waves in the ocean and I was just barely keeping my head above the water. I did manage to grab a few to the things on my list though... I guess that's a win. Now just a few more thi...

Just a moment passed before my head shot up as my eyes darted around. Everyone around me almost seemed to vanish as I could feel my skin prickling with goosebumps; The beat in my chest slowly picking up speed.

Turning around, I saw bright sapphire eyes looking directly at me. We made eye contact for a good couple of seconds before a rush of people blocked my view.

Hmm... I've never seen those eyes here before.

I walked away, my gaze fixed a moment longer where I saw the blue eyes. I really would like to know who that was but that would be very difficult in a place like this. Too many people.

I halted in my steps again as the same sensations washed over me.

I looked around for a moment before I saw the same blue eyes looking right at me. This is getting a little strange. I looked at them right in the eyes but this time I could just barely see the corners of their lips turned upwards in a smile.

Without a thought, I slowly began taking steps towards them. I was mesmerized by their color and everything around them seemed to blur out of sight as I got closer. Just a few more steps- "Stop that man!! He stole my purse!" Some one yelled as a man shoved me out of the way. Nearly falling face first into the mud, the stranger caught me and pushed me forward towards the commotion.

"Help! Stop him!" The lady yelled again.
With hesitation, I glanced behind me only to see the stranger had disappeared. Annoyed and upset, I took off after the man. He was pretty bulky and a bit slow so I easily caught up to him. "Give the purse back!" I yelled.

"Like I would let a child stop me!" He swung his large arm at me but I swiftly dodged under and grabbed his pinky finger, pulling it back.
"Let go you brat!"

"Not until you drop the purse~" I replied in a 'sweet' tone giving him a smile. I don't know how far I have ran but we soon passed a construction area.

I grabbed a metal rod that was so conveniently placed in my path and jumped with all my might onto his back and put the stick across his neck, "You better let go of the bag before I strangle you." I whispered in his ear.

"Never!" I could feel the large man trying to shake me off as I pressed the stick against his throat. He reached up and tried to grab me but instead I grabbed his ring finger and bent it as far back as I could, making him yell as he slightly stumbled. His heavy footsteps began growing louder as he ran out of breath.

I took this as an opportunity to jump in front of him and kick one of his knee caps as hard as I could, hearing a satisfying crack sound.
"ARG!" The man fell to the ground as I dove down and grabbed his other leg pushing it out from underneath him. He fell and hit the ground with a loud thud and let go of the purse.

"Finally." I took the purse from him, "all those self defense classes paid off! Even if that wasn't self defense." I laughed. I was shaking from the adrenaline rush as I ran to find the nearest guard. Once that was done and the man was turned in, I ran back to the market place only to be tackled by the same lady.

"Thank you! Thank you so much dear!" She took the purse.

"It's no problem! I couldn't just stand around." I rubbed my head embarrassed by the attention of the other shoppers.

"I'm so glad you didn't hurt yourself miss (y/n)!" Miss Eleanor gave me a tight hug, squeezing the life out of me. "I'm just glad I was able to stop that thief! My body just reacted without me thinking!" I giggled through my fib.

"You go finish your shopping now." Miss Eleanor let me go, "I'm sure you have more to do."

"Thank you!" I waved to her as she left. Feeling proud I turned back to the market only to see a pair of eyes looking at me. My breath hitched from surprise to see the same eyes lingering in my direction. I took off in their direction, determined to catch them this time but, just a few strides away I blinked and they disappeared. No where to be seen.

"I'm going crazy..." I huffed. I wanted to run after them so badly but for some reason I just couldn't...

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