18 - Lotus City

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About six months have now passed and still no sign of Pit. Dark Pit and I are still travel companions except now it's basically impossible to fly now since there's so many Underworld Troops. Neither of us have aged a bit since this started and we look basically the exact same as before just with a lot more dirt. I think it's cause we're angels? I'm too nervous to ask cause I've asked Pittoo a million ridiculous questions at this point and he thinks I've lost it.

"Look!" I gasped at the sight of a village, "It's been like two weeks since the last village! Maybe they have a hot spring!" I jogged forward, ready to go. Over the last couple of months, we have only found about three hot springs to bathe in total. I'm covered in filth.

"Hold on, we need to change." Dark Pit quickly stopped me. We have learned to blend in with the citizens because our wings have sparked many conflicts among the people. Lots would throw rocks, yell, and one even tried to cut my feathers. They think we are responsible for this entire war involving Palutena.

"Right!" I ran behind a couple of trees and change into my 'normal' clothes that we got from another village that wasn't attacking us. I pressed my wings against my back and tucked the longest feathers into my pants. Once that was done, I threw on my new, clean black cloak over my shoulders to hide my wings.

"Ok now let's go." I smiled as I met back up with Dark Pit who was also in his 'normal' clothes with a large black cloak over his shoulders as well.

We only do this for villages that are clear of Hades troops for the time being and use this as our chance to stock back up on supplies. We are in complete disguise and can keep us under the radar from Hades.

As we got closer to the entrance, A sweet wiff of air blew in my direction from the village and my stomach rumbled. With closer inspection, a large tree sat in the middle and there were many people walking around, "Ahh let's pick up the pace I'm famished!" I told Dark Pit before grabbing his hand and jogging in.

The moment we stepped foot inside, three young ladies walked up, all with trays of food. All the trays had the same bite sized pieces of fruit in the shape of a flower. I could smell the same sweet scent as before from where I was standing.

"Welcome to Lotus City." One said before holding a tray up to my face, "Please, take one. You look hungry."

Sweet mercy they smelled good so of course, I took one. I know I shouldn't just accept food like this though. Someone could have poisoned it as word of us has gotten around for 'attacking civilians'. Dark Pit and I have never even laid a finger on anyone so I don't know where that came from- wait. C-could it be... No. It couldn't be him!

I mumbled a quick thank you before taking a bite; distracted by my thoughts. The smell was just too much for me to resist and I didn't think twice. It was a sweet and savory fruit that, while looking a bit dry, was very juicy and quite possibly the best thing I've ever had, "Wow..! This is amazing!"

I wanted another one but, the tray was quickly retracted from my face. I looked to Dark Pit and noticed he took a bite of one as well but that's when I noticed the bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted... Before I could say a word, the same woman spoke again, "Young lady, come with us. It is our duty to make travelers feel welcome and at home for their stay. My name is Louhi. You look like you need a bath and a trip to our spa!"

"Y-you mean like... Hot springs..?" My mind quickly shifted focus from Dark Pit to the word spa.

"Well of course! It wouldn't be a spa without one!" Louhi giggled and I felt my smile grow. I looked towards Dark Pit and he had three young men surrounding him before they led him off, "Where are they taking him?" I asked worried.

"Oh don't worry about him! They're taking him to the men's spa! Now come along, and why don't you have another Lotus flower on the way." She held the tray back up to my face and I eagerly went to grab it before hearing her next words, "I'm sure your wings are covered in filth."


I put my hand back down away from the food feeling a sense of unease, "I think I'll wait a little bit. I want to eat when i'm clean."


I was now sitting in the hot springs with a plate of fruit in front of me, entirely relaxed. All the dirt and grime under my nails was gone and I seemed to never get tired of the lotus flowers. The soap even had the same scent.

The lady's seemed to not mind the wings so I didn't make that much of a big deal about it. I didn't want to provoke anything and get us kicked out. This place is incredible!

"You seem to enjoy it here. You don't need to worry about hiding your wings as long as you're here. So stay awhile." One of the workers spoke to me before setting down a set of fresh clothes, "I want to ask... How did you guys know about my wings? They were hidden under my cloak." I quickly questioned before she left.

"Well you're quite popular around these parts! Supposedly attacking people and all." She giggled, "But that's not-"

"I know it's not true," The worker turned away to fold some towels, "Palutena and her angels are meant to protect us and i'm sure the angels would do their job no matter what. There is no need to fear as long as you're here." She faced me again with a kind smile, "Please stay a while. These clothes should be gentle on your cuts and bruises."

I thanked her for the clothes and waited until she left, feeling entirely relieved about her words. I hopped out, quickly putting them on to go find Dark Pit with a warm feeling bubbling in my chest.

My undergarments were very similar to the materials of what I wore in skyworld and very high quality. There was lots of silk involved and I felt amazing. (I was thinking something similar to a kimono)

I popped another fruit flower into my mouth and ran off into the direction I last saw the raven winged angel. He must be having just as good of a time as I am! I don't know if I ever want to leave!

I bobbed and weaved around people, taking in the new sights with no fear of battling an enemy. There were many shops and food stalls that all had very similar flowery themes to them but, what was kind of strange was that, all of the food stalls had the same fruity flowers being sold.

I mean, they are supper good so maybe they just needed more to sell. Yeah- they definitely wouldn't survive with just one selling booth. Everyone I could see was eating the delicious fruit.

-some time later after getting sidetracked-

Now to find Dark Pit- actually, now that I think about it, I haven't used the name Pittoo in a hot second. 'This is going to give me a good laugh,' I thought to myself before picking up the pace. I searched for a couple minutes before finally finding him.

"Hey Pitt...!" My voice quickly fell quiet when my eyes landed on him. He was... smiling? Laughing even? He sits as though he hasn't worked a day in his life- surrounded by other women. The dark angel was sat leaning back with both arms around the chair- nothing like how he normally acts.

My stomach dropped. That's... not right.

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now