28 - Restoration

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It has been about a week or two since Palutenas return and Skyworld was almost back to normal with the help of a few other gods.

Pit and I have been resting in our own rooms again and I could not be happier. We can safely relax now knowing that the world isn't in danger anymore. The underworld army's numbers declined so much that most of the guard hasn't been needed in action. We still have them patrolling every inch of Skyworld though.

I'm gaining more weight after my mental health decline and I truly think I'm getting so much better.

Dark Pit lost most of his power of flight when Pandora took the rest of her essence from his wings to fight us. Luckily he was able to get some of it back but now he has a limited fight time; no gods needed to make it work though so that's a plus!

Palutena is planning a ball to celebrate her return as most of the citizens are back and living in their own homes as well. Dark Pit has been coming around a lot more and we've just been chilling around the palace with him as Palutena doesn't seem to mind! He did help free her and save Skyworld after all.


I walked next to Dark Pit, looking at the marketplace come to life once more bustling with people.

"I'm so happy it's all over." I stopped and just looked around smiling. Dark Pit gave a small tch, "Same. That was exhausting."

I grabbed his hand, ecstatic that he wasn't a wanted criminal anymore and dragged him to the café we ate at right before Skyworld fell. He doesn't have to hide anymore.

"Look! Remember how good the food was?" I began looking at the menu that was in the window and we began pointing out foods we should try next time we went in.

"That one looks good-" Dark Pit pointed as someone walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

"That one does look good..." It was a very beautiful lady around our age. She had long raven black hair and sharp grey wings. Dark Pit stared in alarm while I did the same.

"Oh I'm sorry! I should introduce myself first. My names Alexia but most people just call me Allie~" She winked at him and my stomach dropped. This- Wha...?! She's flirting with him! No! No way!

A/N: (I'm so sorry if that's your name or if that's what you look like ಠ_ಠ just totally imagine her as the opposite or someone you envy or hate)

"I just came to check out the new hero of Skyworld! Very handsome if I must say~" She traced the muscles on his arm while I stood in distress, "Did you come to get an autograph from him?" She asked me, dropping the sultry tone in her voice and giving me an annoyed look.

"Uh... No. We're good friends? I helped him save Skyworld?" I was so confused and didn't know what to say to that question. "Aw! She must be your number one fan! It's so cute you imagined doing that with him." Alexia giggled in the most irritating way. My mouth was agape at this point and I looked to Dark Pit for help but, he was focused on her wings. He didn't bother pushing her away. "I'm one of the few families where these wings still run in our bloodline. It's nice to have a buddy to relate too." Alexia said.

Buddy?! Buddy who?! Him?! What do I do?! She needs to go! She's trying to pull him! She doesn't even know I helped save the world with him! Oh this bit-

"Yeah... I guess your right." He agreed with her and I was quickly looking back and forth at them. She hugged his arm and looked at me again, "Can I borrow him for a day? I'll bring him home safe~ You wouldn't mind right?" She gave him the most suggestive tone and stare I almost attacked her.

"Actually we were planning on hanging out today." Dark Pit seemed to have come to his senses but Alexia was so set on her goal.

"Just for one day? I want to get to know the famous raven angel everyone all knows and loves!" She said sweetly.

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now