2 - Wings

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One week later~

Your P.O.V
It had been a week since I had seen those sapphire like eyes. I can't stop thinking about them! They are always on my mind when I go to bed and when I wake up! I want to find them but that would be almost impossible... I can't leave the village either it's to dangerous and they were probably just travelers passing through. I know for sure that they don't live in this village. Right?

It was around ten O'clock and the stars were shining bright. I launched my self onto my soft bed and curled up under my covers, taking in the smell of my sheets as my eye lids became heavy. Slumber quickly took hold of me as I drifted off, the thought of those eyes at the back of my mind.


I woke up to heat. Inescapable heat. I kicked my foot out from under the covers in attempt to cool down but something stung me in return. "Ow!" I fumbled around my covers as I struggled to wake up. A shriek escaped my lungs as I opened my eyes. Smoke filled the room and clouded my vision as I choked on smoked with an attempted gasp.

Flames touched my skin and my clothes were beginning to sear from the scalding heat. I jumped down from my bed, twisting my ankle causing me to stumble.

I took a second to recover and thankfully my ankle wasn't sprained so I could stand but, the smoke was almost to thick for me to see my own hands. I dropped down and crawled to the nearest window and broke it open, climbing out side, trying not to twist my already twisted ankle again.

I carefully placed one foot after the other on the roof top as it was almost impossible to see anything but the blinding light of the fire. As I rounded the corner of the house looking for a way down, my heart stopped in my chest and my skin felt cold.

The whole town was in flames. I could hear screams and pleas for help. Embers of flame occupied the sky above and the smoke made it difficult to see anything else.

In complete panic, I jumped off the roof, landing down in the tall grass. Not my most graceful landing but it worked. I had no shoes on as I sprinted to the town, feeling nothing but adrenaline in my legs and sweat running down my face, clearing the smoke from my lungs only for them to be filled again as I ran to Miss Eleanor's house.

"Miss Eleanor?! Are you there?!" I looked around in a alarm, my heart threatening to explode out of my chest. She was the closest friend I had and the smoke would be so hard on her because of her age.

She wasn't anywhere to be found so without hesitating, I ran into her burning house. "-cough- Miss -cough cough- Eleanor?!" Fear filled my chest and tears effortlessly found their way out of my eyes. "Where are -cough- you?!"

I pushed through to her bedroom with more burns. That's when I saw a horrific sight. Miss Eleanor trapped under a large piece of burning wood. A dark liquid pooling around her.

"No!" I ran to her side and grabbed the flaming logs and tried to move them with all my might. She grabbed my arm.


"-cough- why?! You'll die..." I felt my voice shake as my vision blurred from tears and smoke, "I know. I'm old and you still have your whole life ahead of you... save your self. Don't waste your life on an old hag like me."

"I-I can't! -cough- I can't leave you..." my voice was nearly a whisper but she put her hand on my cheek.

"My time has come. Yours has not. Hurry the buildings about to collapse! Leave me." She tried to force me away but had almost no strength left. "N-no! I won't! I'll save you-" I went back to clearing the wood. My hands were burned enough but I had to save Eleanor!

"If you die, your death will be for nothing! I was going to die soon anyways. I'm old, You saving me will do nothing so please," she had tears streaming down her cheeks, "get out of here..." her hand slowly fell to her side. In complete denial of the situation I looked to her eyes for any signs of life but her eyes had glossed over and looked like glass, reflecting the golden glow devouring the room around us.

I sat there in shock, feeling as though I was watching through a screen, "No no no no no!!" I put her head in my lap and cried, "Please! Don't leave me -cough cough-" The smoke thickened making it nearly impossible to breath. I fell to my side barely conscious as I tried to move to escape. My breathing quickened as my vision blurred.

I let tears fall from my face in defeat, accepting death as the flames grew closer to me. My lungs felt like they were on fire and every breath I took hurt more and more.

I guess this is where I die...? An immense wave of grief and calmness rushed over me as my muscles relaxed. I closed my eyes trying to distract my mind. It was hard to think at all but maybe that's for the better. Soon, I won't feel any pain and hey- maybe I'll meet someone related to me? My mother?

I opened my eyes one more time while I was still alive but only saw bright oranges, reds, and yellows. It was all a blurry mess but beautiful in a way.

Suddenly, someone stopped and stoop in front of me. The reaper? I couldn't make out what they looked like but I didn't see much black clothing on their figure. How are they just standing in a burning building like this? I guess it really is my time and someone has come to take me to the afterlife.

They picked me up with ease.

I used all my energy to look up at them but it was in vain as the smoke blocked my vision. The person began to run but I don't know where. I felt us almost launch into the air before falling to the ground as my stomach had butterflies from the decent. I was met with a cold burst of air that felt better than one could imagine.

I grew scared as I had no clue as to who was holding me. My strength very slowly came back to me and my vision somewhat returned although my burns were extreme I looked up to see a male with brown hair and brilliant blue eyes... blue eyes.. That's when I noticed white feathers protruding from his back. Not just feathers... wings...?

"Palutena permission to fly?" He said excitedly. Suddenly his wings had a glow up or something because they were literally glowing as he opened them up and took off into the sky.

I looked up at the boy holding me again. He had brown hair and sapphire eyes. Wait... Wait. Wait! This person... he's the one from the market!

We're in the sky! He's an angel! Oh no... "I really did die d-didn't I..." I whispered and closed my eyes. Everything more and more as time went on. Maybe I'm still in the process of dying? A literal angel is carrying me.

Every breath I took felt like something had crawled in my lungs and ripped them up. My skin burned from both the fire and my open wounds being hit by the cold wind and I swear if I don't have any hair left of my head I will sue. Hey but if I die... Eleanor will be there waiting for me right? I don't know what I'll do without her...

I suddenly got extremely dizzy the higher we got and lost consciousness. Man the altitudies is no joke.

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