17 - Manifesting

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In this chapter i'm gonna stray a little form the actual game for a sec lol

(READ THIS: I will refer to this photo^^ so remember it! It's basically the romper that goes beneath all you battle gear! From what I can tell it looks like Pit (and Dark Pit) actually wear one as well!)

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(READ THIS: I will refer to this photo^^ so remember it! It's basically the romper that goes beneath all you battle gear! From what I can tell it looks like Pit (and Dark Pit) actually wear one as well!)


"What do we do..." I fought back tears as I watched Skyworld crumble. I touched the barrier and flinched back as it sent little shocks through my hand and up my arm, "Ow! Don't touch it!"

"Well obviously stupid." Dark Pit scoffed at me so I shoved him a bit, "Shut up!" And for almost a split second, I forgot about what was right in front of me, "C'mon. Let's go find Pit."


We searched and searched for weeks, barely scraping by as the Underworld army grew immensely. Just flying through the sky for a look around was a million times more dangerous now. But, we couldn't find any traces of Pit in sight. Not even a feather.

Fearing the worst, I grew more frantic every day and Dark Pit was the only thing keeping me sane. To keep my self hidden and more out of sight on the ground, we found a large black cloak to cover my wings.

"(Y/N), I think we should turn in for the night." Dark Pit called from the bottom of the tree I sat on, "Just give me five more minutes..." I responded standing at the top.

I continued looking but was interrupted as Dark Pit landed next to me on the branch, "Seriously. It's too dangerous up here."

"...Fine." I complained but made my way down the tree anyway and asked, "When was the last time we got a good fly in- Above the clouds?"

"I'm not sure. Three-Four weeks maybe?" He gave an annoyed look and we both sighed.

"When was the last time we bathed?" He asked this time and we just looked at each other with blank faces. We both sighed again.

"A hot spring sounds amazing right now. My wings are filled with dirt and that doesn't work with the color white." I laughed sadly.

"Well maybe I could..." He went quiet so I spoke up, "What? You could what?"

"Nothing. Never mind." He sputtered out quickly looking away as we made it back to our little camp, "No I want to know! Even if it means nothing!" I pestered him as we sat down and started a fire. It's not often Dark Pit says 'nevermind'.

"It's nothing. Really." He said entirely bothered, "Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" I kept pestering.

"Holy hell you sound just like Pit!" He shouted and backed up in shock, "That's what I'm here for. A substitute for Pit. Now tell me!" I scooted closer.

"I just thought that I could clean your wings since obviously you can't yourself!" He laid on his back and looked away. Don't know why he's so embarrassed about that, "Aw that's not bad! Don't know why your so embarrassed to say it!"

"How long have you had those now? Do you know what happens and what it means when you have your wings preened or stroked by someone else?!" He looked at me with so much disbelief, "No...?" I shrugged in confusion, "I don't know, what does it do."

"That is something i'm not showing you. Goodnight." He aggressively turned over and laid down. I sat there in so much confusion before touching my own wings and stroking them. Nope nothing happens.



A three months have now gone by and still no sign of Pit. We have been traveling by foot for a while now and are currently in the middle of no where.

"Hot springs! Oh hot springs where are you!" I spoke in a bit of a louder tone hoping that any thing will hear me, "I am in desperate need of having some self care time!"

"Do you really think that is going to work?" Dark Pit finally spoke up and gave me an annoyed glance, "You're also attracting more attention towards us. I swear if we get ambushed I am blaming you."

"Don't worry i'm just ~manifesting~." I gave an emphasis on that last word just so he knows that i'm willing to do anything at this point, "I'll give you a day to see if that works..." We passed some large vines that were very dense and Dark Pit began making his way through them, "wha..." He stopped in his tracks and I ran right into him.

"Ayo?! Why the sudden stop-" I shouted before almost fainting from shock as my eyes flew upwards, "No way... This can't be real..." The biggest grin appeared on my face as I looked out into the golden, steaming, sparkling water of a massive hot spring, "No way! It worked! The manifesting worked!" I practically squealed while jumping up and down from excitement before taking off and jumping as far as I could in the middle of the water.

All of my scratches, bruises, and all the dirt basically melted away and I quickly relaxed, still in full gear, "This is what luxury is. No more dirty wings! No more dirty nails! No. more. dirt!" I floated around on my back to see dark pit removing his gear with his face turned away.

Dark Pits P.O.V
Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Do not laugh- No smiling either.

Your P.O.V
I made my way over to the edge and began removing my gear as well to get some weight off, only leaving my black romper on.

I then sank into the water letting my wings soak, "Finally a chance to relax. When we save Pit and Palutena, I will never- and I mean never! Take anything for granted ever again."

We floated around chatting for a few minutes before I had the dumb idea of splashing him right in the face. He was frozen in shock while I was nervously laughing from my actions and began backing away. Dark Pit then grinned and began coming right at me in an attempt to get revenge.

"I'm not letting you get away with that!" He laughed before quickly getting out of the water and running over to where I was, "Wait! No, no, no I'm sorry!" I swam as fast as I could but my wings were making that to difficult and Dark Pit took a huge leap right next to me.

I shouted while shielding my face and used my wings as a shield, "How dare you!"

"No," I heard him say before forcing my wings open, "How dare you!"

I squealed in surprise as I was splashed right in the face, "Ok! Ok! You won! I give in." I laughed before sinking back I to the water.

That's when a thought came to me but...

"Y'know... Maybe," I almost backed out, "you could... When we save Palutena and Skyworld that is- You could come stay at the palace with us...?" I didn't know how he would react and looked down into the water, "I think you would be a great member of the guard!"

He didn't say anything and a moment passed before I looked up nervously, only to see no one around, "D-Dark Pit?" I couldn't think and stuttered over my words, "H-Hello? Dark Pit?"

Slowly from confusion, I got out and began looking around, letting my wings dry until I found him building a fire through some vines, "I didn't even hear you get out of the spring!" I laughed before sitting next to him on some leaves.

"Well maybe we need to work on your listening skills." He taunted while I stared in shock, "Where did all this back talk come from?!" I gasped before standing up again, "Anyway, I'll go grab our gear. We should probably get some rest and head out in the morning! We do have an entire Skyworld to save after all!"

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now