29 - Unwanted Encounters

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"Pit, would you like to go to the ball with me?" I asked him.

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me before the biggest smile erupted on his face, "Are you kidding?! Yes!" He ran to me and grabbed my hands jumping.

It's like his excitement was contagious as all that just happened with Dark Pit almost disappeared. I'm quickly feeling hyped up with Pit and now we're both jumping and squealing in his room.

"We should surprise each other at the ball with our outfits! I always thought that it was so exciting when we would have festivals in my old village!" I laughed, "I already have the most perfect getup." I spun around the room, pretending like I was waltzing with another person.

"Luckily, I haven't gotten mine yet so I can ask Palutena for us to have similar colors to match." Pit just stood and watched as I stepped around.

"We're going to look amazing!" We began jumping and squealing again.


I was still trying to find Dark Pit but in a much less urgent, rage filled manner. After making plans with Pit, I'm not so upset anymore and I'm really trying my best to be happy for the raven angels. But it... it's just a ball! Nothing more.

Walking around the marketplace shopping for a gift to give Pit at the ball, I passed the local yet, very regal dress and tux shop. Seeing all the beautiful dresses in the window I stopped to take in their remarkable designs and glimmering jewels.

The longer I looked the more excited I got thinking about my own ballgown. Palutena got mine made just for me and I felt so special. Until I saw Alexia behind one of the dresses looking in a mirror, wearing a dress with a similar color scheme as mine except their were much more hints of (least favorite color that would still work with the scheme).

I could tell she was just fawning over it and I just wanted to rip it up. Shaking my head, I realized I was doing exactly what I told myself I wouldn't do. I began looking at the dresses again and smiled, looking into the finer details knowing my dress is going to look just as elegant if not better. It was prepared by a goddess after all.

Walking down the rest of the window, I studied every dress in awe before looking back into the window where I last saw Alexia. When I looked over, my view was blocked by a familiar face,

I made direct eye contact with Dark Pit in front of me in the window wearing an aristocrat vest that was very well fitted with (f/c) accents- the accents being the color of your dress. The vest was black and had complex (f/c) patterns all over it.

In complete embarrassment and shock, I quickly covered the lower half of my face and sped away. He looked so fine in that suit and I could feel my cheeks burning. That made me even angrier.

Not knowing what to do, I frantically looked around hoping he wasn't coming after me in the suit. I wouldn't be able to handle it. But then it hit me, why would he follow? I've been trying to talk to him for the last week straight and he just brushes past me like I'm a stranger. If I can even get to talk to him normally, why would he want to talk when I'm the one escaping the situation?

Not anymore though. I won't even bother with him and then he'll realize how much he's been pushing me away. I jumped into the air, headed back to the castle until my wrist was caught and I was dragged back down.

Stumbling, I fell back into someone's arms before pushing them away, "What in the world?!" I spun around in annoyance to see Dark Pit. My mouth quickly closed and I was at a loss of words. Of course this would happen.

"What do you want?" I gave him an annoyed glance, "To talk...?" He asked unsure. At this point, I just snapped without warning. He's joking right?

"Ah ok so what I'm hearing is, 'I ignored you for two weeks, putting what we had on hold until I was ready because your well-being can just be paused as if you don't feel real emotions until I'm ready to talk with no other reason or explanation'. Correct? I mean," I crossed my arms chuckling while feeling the anger bubbling in my chest, "I was disposed of fairly quickly. You moved on fast." Dark Pit was taken-aback before his eyebrows furrowed, "That's not-" He attempted to speak before I cut him off.

"You know I've been actively trying to talk to you for the last two weeks? Why couldn't I? That's all I want to know." I could feel my anger waver into sadness.

"Yes. I... I just haven't had the time." He looked away.

"Ah yes because you have so much going on like going to fancy restaurants and picnics with 'Allie'." I glared at him, trying to control my emotions but at this point, I was trying to do the impossible, "Do I mean anything to you...?"

His eyes widened as he looked back towards me, "What?"

At this point, tears made their way down my cheeks but my glare did not change. Unable to say anymore I turned around and flew off. A part of me feels almost guilty but I really meant that last question. I want him to know how much it hurts.

I flew back to the castle, stifling back sobs. What do I do? Just let him go? No way. He cannot just drop me like that!

"Why. Why do I have to feel this way." I slapped both hands over my face to stop the tears but that didn't really work so they remained over my eyes.

"Why can't I just get over it." I looked at my wet palms in annoyance with a quivering lip, "This is so stupid. He's..." ...No... "I'm so stupid."

I didn't even find a gift for Pit while I was there.


It's the day before the ball now and put and I have been helping with preparations. We've all been so busy setting up tables, getting out dresses and suits ready, and making sure the ballroom is perfect.

"We're going to be the absolute power duo of the dance floor Pit and if you don't match my energy then you've officially become a lost cause and I'm throwing you in the dungeon." I pointed to Pit and he stood there in confusion as he seemed to not be able to process what I've just said, "wha...?"

I want to make Dark Pit so jealous and steal the spotlight from Alexia as the most beautiful girl in the room. I hate her so much. Maybe I could frame her and make it seem like she attacked me... or lock her up in her own house and make everyone think she just up and left so she can't even show up... I could pour chemicals on her dress even...

I sat there pondering but Pit looked at me terrified, "What's with that look on your face...?"

"O-oh nothing." I shook my head. This is my only way to cope. It's not like I'd actually do any of that, "(Y/n) are you ok?" Pit asked and I did actually realize how nervous I was.

"I'm a little nervous- and upset Dark Pit still won't talk to me. But it doesn't matter," I looked Pit in the eyes, "we're going to have so much fun."


A/N: sorry this is kinda short lol I'm about to move to college in a few weeks so things have been so hectic for the last several months. I'm trying to get back on writing the chapters so stay tuned!

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now