5 - Heights

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I held on to the desk trying not to fall on my back. These wings were heavy. Really, really heavy. Maybe if I wasn't standing up?

I laid down on the ground and unfolded my wings on the floor. They felt so weird to have, their like a whole new addition to my body and I can basically feel every feather! I have feathers now what the actual shit?! Anyways...

I 'walked' over to my bed and looked at the canopy of the frame - (this is what your bed looks like)

I 'walked' over to my bed and looked at the canopy of the frame - (this is what your bed looks like)

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I slowly and very clumsily made it to the bed and grabbed the canopy. I swung my legs over the canopy and hung up side down, and let my wings touch the floor.

It took me a minute to adjust to the weight on my back pulling me to the ground and my legs were starting to hurt it but I have to pull through. I'm using the canopy to help me build the muscle in my wings so I can actually fly.

Slowly, I tried to lift my wings all the way up over my body in and attempt to flap them. It kind of worked but after a few tries, my energy was drained. I could barely feel my own legs.

I jumped in my skin when the door opened, "Hey (y/n) dinner ready! What... are you doing?" Pit walked in and gave me a confused glance.

"I- uh- Well, I'm trying to get these things working..." I climbed down and basically fell on the floor, "I can't seem to balance!" I laughed nervously.

"You'll get it! But i just wanted to tell you dinners ready!" He smiled as I looked at the sky through the window. The sun was going down already. And I'm starving.

"Thanks Pit! I'll be down in a moment!" I smiled at him.

"Do you need help getting to the kitchen?"

"N-no I should be okay. Thanks though!"

"Alright. I'll see you down there." He left.

I realized all my weight was leaning on the bed as I began to slide down the frame. Pushing my self up, I found an ideal balance but even the slightest breeze and I would fall like a boulder.

I slowly walked through the hallways and found my way to the kitchen eventually.

Peeking my head around the corner I could smell... burgers? I saw Palutena and Pit chatting.

"Good you found your way to the kitchen!" Palutena put a plate with some food down next to Pit, "I hope you like burgers."
"Thank you." I sat down next to Pit but my wings were not cooperating with me.

"Here let me help!" He laughed.

Pit helped me find te right way to sit with the large feather covered peices of mass that just exploded from my back.

"Thanks! I don't know what I'd do trying to figure this out on my own." I laughed.

"Nah I think you'd be just fine!"

"Really?" I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Sure! I'll help you gain your wing strength though since that can be very difficult with wings like yours."

We finished diner and Pit walked me back to my room, which happened to be a few doors down from his!

"Thank you Pit. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved to him.

"See ya (y/n)!" He gave me a weird, goofy grin. What was that? Eh whatev-

"Hey (y/n)!" A voice rang in my head.

"What the?!" I jumped about a foot in the air before hitting the ground.

"It's me Pit!"

"Your talking?! In my head?! I'm going crazy!" I basically withered to the floor.

"No you're not. The laurel we gave you; it has Palutenas power which lends us the power to talk to each other. You have to talk out loud and it will play in my head."

"Woah... how to I turn it on and off?" I touched the laurel.

"You just think of who you want to talk to and you should feel a surge of... electricity? Go from your laurel and through your head? It's kinda hard to describe..." I laughed.

"That's cool! I should try it more!"

"Well you're probably tired. I'll let you sleep now; just wanted to show that to you."

"Thank you Pit. Good night." I giggled.

"Good night (y/n)!" Then He went quiet.
Two weeks later~
Pit had helped me the next two weeks to build my strength and now I could move my wings almost as good as my arms and legs.

"You've improved so much (y/n)! I think your ready to learn flying!" Pit gave me a high five.
"Really?! When do I start?" My eyes lit up.
Most of my trust was with them now so I was super open with them.

"Well it's only noon so today could work!"
"Yes!" I pumped a fist in the air.

"Lady Palutena?" Pit asked.

"Yes Pit?" He voice rang in both of our heads.
"I think (Y/n) is ready to fly today!" Pit And I looked at each other excitedly.

"Great! We have an upcoming mission that I need both of your help on so this is good. Take her out to the platform."

"Will do Lady Palutena!"

He grabbed my hand and ran outside.

Once on the platform he walked me to the very edge. I saw Palutena standing on a higher platform so she could watch us.

Pit jumped off the platform and flew up to where he was in front of me.

"Take my hand." He smiled at me.

"Ok..." I was scared from the height and I'm sure he could see my hand shaking and my breathing quicken.

"You'll be fine! I won't let you fall. And besides, if I can't catch you, Palutena will." I grabbed his hand, "now open your wings and jump. Try to glide at first then begin to slowly flap your wings."

"Alright..." I hesitated before I let go of his hand, turned around and walked about ten feet away from the edge.

"Uh (y/n)?" Pit seemed confused.
That's when I turned around and ran, jumping as far as I could.

I fell about fifteen feet before my wings picked up any air under neath them making me glide right above the clouds.

"Holy cow! I'm in the air!" A rush of excitement filled me and it felt as though my fear had gone away.

"Good job (y/n)!" Pit excitedly yelled through my laurel, "now try going up!"

I tried to flap my wings but they were extremely difficult to move in the air, "I can't seem to move my wings..."

"Just keep trying! Soon it becomes like a second nature." Palutena said.

I tried again a little more successful but I got nowhere. The clouds began to clear up showing how high up we were and my fear came back.
"I don't think I can do this!"

"What's wrong?" I head Pit call.

"I-uh..." I closed my eyes, "I think I have a fear of heights!" My breathing quickened once again.

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now