27 - Preparations

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It's been a couple of days since Dark Pit has been helping me. Viridi also found a therapist to do some EMDR with me. EMDR therapy is a phased, focused approach to treating trauma and other symptoms by reconnecting the traumatized person in a safe and measured way to the images, self-thoughts, emotions, and body sensations associated with the trauma.

It helps get rid of the emotions I feel when thinking back in what happened in lotus city. (A/N - I've been having to do this in therapy myself for the last year lolz. If you're still confused just say y/n has just been going to good ole therapy) And because Viridi is a god, her medic has some abilities to rapidly speed up the process.

To be honest, I already feel so much better. Even if it's not by much. I'm able to eat quite a bit more especially since both Pit and Dark Pit have been helping me eat every night. I think I've almost put on a pound or two again.

Our preparations have been going well and Pit and Dark Pit should been leaving soon. We were currently walking through the halls just exploring.

"Alright Pit and Dark Pit. It time to go get Palutenas soul back!" Viridi spoke through out laurels.

"Right!" They exclaimed before Pit ran off, "Well be back soon. Please don't do anything crazy like rushing out into battle." Dark Pit ruffled my hair while I groaned in annoyance though a smile laid on my face.

"I won't but you better hurry," I pushed him away trying to fight back my thoughts. They're facing off against something that stole Palutenas soul. A gods soul for heavens sake! That odds are not in their favor and I can't do anything to help. I was still pushing him spaced out and my head was down.

I couldn't see through the water droplets overtaking my eyes and suddenly, I couldn't push Dark Pit anymore. He wouldn't budge. I looked up in confusion to see him looking back at me and I felt my lip quiver, "What's wrong?" He laughed in confusion.

"..." I was really struggling to find words that wouldn't make me burst into tears, "...I'm so worried." I wiped my cheek and looked away so I wouldn't cry harder, "What if you guys don't come back. I don't want to be alone like I was again, having all that responsibility to save everyone by myself. I know its so so selfish but I cannot live another day like that... I can't do this alone..."

"It's not selfish." I felt two warm hands rest on my cheeks before my head was moved to look at his face, "I promise I'll come back. Pit and I both." He used his thumbs to wipe my tears and I couldn't help but just lean into one of his palms.

I closed my eyes, savoring the moment in case this was my last with him and put both my hands on his wrists. A smile graced my lips.

I didn't want him to let me go so when the time came and he pulled away, I desperately wanted to pull him right back into my arms.

"Please... Don't die." I whispered, "I promise. See you soon, Angel." He grabbed my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles, earning a weak laugh followed by a sniff in response.

He turned and ran off in a hurry while I stood and watched with more tears falling down my cheeks. I wanted to say one more thing but I was so scared he wouldn't return them. Just those three words. That's all I wanted to tell him.


I paced and paced all around the palace, sweating with off and on crying. I couldn't help but imagine the worst outcome of the situation.

"Viridi is everything going well?" I ask expecting more answer but to my surprise I got one! "So far... we finally tracked down Chaos Kins location but there are waves of enemies. I can tell Pit is slowing down but Dark Pit isn't letting up."

"They're not hurt are they?" I asked, "Not from what I've seen. Maybe a few scratches here and there but overall they're ok."

"I'm so happy to hear that. If anything happens just say the word and I'll be right out there with them." My shoulders loosened and I almost cried from relief because Ive been so emotional the whole day. Viridi didn't say anything more so I went back to my room and sat at the window again to wait.


About two hours had now passed and I was starting to get anxious again until I finally heard someone through my laurel, "(Y/n)! Get your gear on!"

"P...Palutena?! Is it really you?!" I almost fainted. "Yes but Pit is in bad shape. His wings- if we don't get him to the rewind spring he will die. After Chaos Kin was defeated, he tried one last attempt on Dark Pits life," My stomach dropped and I felt my skin go cold, "Pit was able to save him but his wings burned up and now he's in critical condition. Dark Pit has already made it to the spring but now he's in a face off against Pandora."

"I'm on it!" I got my stuff on as fast as I could before being extracted into a place with giant white towers of stone and a dark sky. I saw a small pool of water and a torrent of what Palutena told me were souls.

"Is that Pandora?!" I couldn't believe my eyes. She had taken on the form of a beautiful woman with long blue hair and amazing body. I saw both her and Dark Pit look at me. He looked worried as I landed next to him, "I thought-"

"Palutena sent me, don't worry!" I didn't take my eyes off Pandora and kept a confident stance, "I got this."

His expression then changed to a smirk as we both took on battle stances, "We won't lose!" He declared.

She laughed at us before sending shots our way in the shape of hearts. Pandora also left little boxes around the area that I was dealing with for the most part to allow Dark Pit to focus entirely on the woman.

It was a very annoying battle to say the least but after several minutes of dodging bombs and traps, he had finally landed the winning blow on her.

Pandora screamed in agony before falling into the water and just... Disappearing. She quite literally dissolved in whatever water was in this Rewind Spring.

"Karma bitch." I laughed looking into the water, "I now keep the title of prettiest woman in the room." I looked over to Dark Pit and saw him rubbing between his brows and shaking his head.

"Your very pretty too Dark Pit I didn't mean to offend you like that." I waved a hand at him in apologies.

"Here. You just need to dip his wings in." Pit was suddenly laid in front of me and I could see what state he was in. My smile quickly faded and I gasped when I saw his burnt up wings.

He was covered in soot and only had like three feathers on his wings as they were so damaged.

"Oh no..." I ran up next to him holding back tears as Dark Pit picked him up and quickly dipped him in. In a bright flash, I was temporarily blinded but quickly saw his wings reverted back to what they were before. They were beautiful and in perfect condition and I nearly jumped out of my skin when he opened his eyes.

"Woo hoo!" He sprung up and did a front handspring before stopping and looking around, "...Where am I?"

"We did it!" I cried before hugging Pit.

I looked over to Dark Pit and he had his usual look again before running off, "Looks like I'm done here." He jumped over the edge to fly away but just dropped instead, flailing his arms and legs, "He can't fly anymore." Palutena noted as I ran to the edge in complete shock.

"Pittoo!" I shouted without a thought. Wow I have not said that in a while, "Fine, fine. I'll get him." Viridi said before I saw a beam of light extract him. I was quickly extracted by Palutena alongside Pit.

"Lady Palutena! Lady Palutena!" Pit shouted out in pure joy, "Welcome back Pit."

"I missed you so much!" He was basically crying.

"I'm so happy you're back!" I added with more tears in my eyes as well, "I didn't think this day would ever come. We finally get to go home."

A Feather From My Heart [Pit x Reader x Dark Pit]Where stories live. Discover now