Chapter 3

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   "Whew! Those were some gooooooddddd waffles!" Gano exclaimed "You know DougIE" he pointed the silver fork at him "You're not a half bad cook!! This is delicious." "Could you? Close your mouth while you chew?" "Oh. shit. My bad." Gano laughed "Jesus Christ." Douglas facepalmed  "Also..didn't we agree that we'd have that talk this morning? You know... about last night? A guy tried to rob stopped bullets with your mind!! Ring a bell?" Douglas prompted "Not not really." Gano mused as he continued chowing down "Gano!!" "Okay. Okay. Calm down." Gano tried to placate his new friend  "I thought I did a pretty good job summing things up. What'd I miss?" "What'd you miss? You barely explained anything at all!?" "Oh." Gano replied "Oh! Look, I'm a conspiracy theorist and it's not like I have some sort of love affair with our government, but c'mon, psychics from another dimension? If I took that at face value it'd be out my mind!!" "Cause believing in conspiracy theories is not?" Gano raised his eyebrow a bit skeptical  "What?? Oh know hat I mean!? Stop being obtuse." "Obtuse?' Gano questioned "That's the word you're going with?" Gano questioned "Gano.." Douglas warned "Spell it." "Dammit!!" "Okay. Okay. I'll answer whatever you wanna ask. Just calm down." "

Thank you." "But first things first..." What?" Douglas was seething at this point "I'm gonna finish these waffles." "Of course."   "Awwwwhhhh....that's a shame." A voice sounded from the living room which shared the same space as the kitchen counter  "Hellooooo babies. Isn't it a lovely evening." Greeting their sight was a voluptuous young woman sitting on the futon with one leg  crossed over another.  She seemed to be enjoying herself as she sipped some of Douglas' soda out of one of his wine glasses "Hey!" Douglas exclaimed "That's my favorite soda!! How the hell did you get in lady?"  "Who? Little old me?? Must've slipped through the window or something. You do seem to keep it open?" "What?" Douglas was baffled trying to piece it together "Nice try." Gano interrupted "We're on the fourth floor. There's no way in hell you 'got through the window'. Right now you're technically intruding." "Oh? I am?" the woman feigned remorse "Don't play dumb. That sort of thing.." Gano's hands started to crackle with green electricity "Can be kind of dangerous." "Woah! Woah. Gano there are lots of people in this apartment. We can't afford to have you go any kind of overboard man. Calm down." "Calm down. Don't kid yourself Douglas. Think about it for a second. We were the only ones who've been in and out of this apartment since last night. Did you open the door this morning?" "No..." Douglas answered a bit unsure "Of course. You don't. So that means one of two things: this woman is either lying and she found a way to forge a key or..." "Oh shit!" Douglas' eyes widened in realization  

"That's right." Gano nodded as he saw his friend finally caught on "She's exactly like that creep from last night. This broad's got psychic powers!?"  "Well." the girl disappeared from Gano's eyesight  "You figured that out quick." she reappeared right next to Douglas and gave a teasing lick inside his ear. "I like that in man."  Gano made to attack her but was taken aback when as soon as appeared she vanished from his sight and appeared right behind him  "What's wrong. You act like I just..disappeared." she whispered as she vanished from his peripheral before he could make a move "What?" Gano was stuck in a stupor "What the hell is going on?! It's impossible to lay eyes on this chick."  "Gano are you alright?You didn't go blind again did you?? You don't see her over there?"  Douglas questioned in concern as he pointed to the living room   

"What the fu- Hell no I can't see her! You're saying you can?!" Gano asked with a hint of desperation "Yeah? Don't tell me you can't?"  "I think I'm starting to figure out your special ability Douglas." Gano mused aloud  "I think I am as well." the woman chimed in" I hope it's not what I think it is. That could be quite annoying." "You!! The girl from last night!! It's all coming back to me. I knew that wasn't a hallucination!!" "A hallucination." Gano looked on disappointment "Douglas..c'mon man..really?" "Well" the woman took an exaggerated flip of her hair  "I'm kind of a hard gal' to forget." "Trust me. I won't forget."  Gano muttered to himself as prepped himself to use his powers " Now hold on there green.It's a bit early for getting all down and rough. Why don't we take it easy for awhile." She scolded at him wagging her finger   

Elementia's Oracle: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now