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"Chief! Chief! Chief!" Lieutenant Miller rushed into the office "I've got something you're gonna want to see!" Chief Noah was an elderly man: stern, short, serious, but despite the wrinkles and sparse liver spots exuded an area of strength "Here you again, late night, trying to sell me on another case!!" taking off his glasses, he looked up from the files he was going over "What's going on now, that you can't handle?" looking up from the files he was going over at his junior officer, Miler reached into his pocket pulling out a drive 

"Please, look this over sir.." Heaving a heavy sigh, Chief Noah took the drive and inserted into his computer "I swear..." clicking the mouse and pulling all the information, words could no longer escape his mouth-only sounds "Blrer...urg...Ackt...." A look of concern found its way on Lieutenant Miller's face "Sir!" he got ready to make his way around the chief's desk "Are you okay?" Displayed on the computer screen was the information sent to Douglas' computer earlier and then some "Miller-" the chief found his voice, stopping the Lieutenant in his tracks "Yes sir?" his neck muscles tensed and his throat tightened 'Am I.. nervous?" he thought to himself

"I need to ask you one question Miller...is this real?" Swallowing his own spit in a nervous gulp, licked his lips before answering "Yes sir...it is." Getting from around the desk, he circled until he and Miller were face to face "I'm giving you permission to do whatever you have to do....but if you and these 'informants' are wrong and things go tits up it's nothing...and I mean NOTHING I can do to salvage your career. Understand?" Looking down to the man, somehow Miller felt like he was still looking up 

"Thank you sir." he bowed his head "Tch. Go head and call it in...take as many units as you want." Giving a slight nod, and without a word Lieutenant Miller walked out; soon as he was in the hallway, he turned his radio on relaying a message for anyone to hear "All units report. All units report. I've got a search warrant and preparations need to be made to make several arrests at the Sagara Compound. SWAT may be needed...all units converge...all units converge..."

Hearing police sirens in the distance, Vince felt the refreshing chill of the cold wind blow over his face "Guess that's my cue to go. Dexter be sure to lock up." giving his accomplice a thumbs up, he walked out the warehouse pulling out the keys to his red corvette, hopping inside, key met ignition "Sounding good as always! Sounding good..." Running his hands through his black hair, he couldn't help but look up at the full moon 

"With this stubble I got...really's got a fella in the mood to howl!" Looking at the waves crash against the docks and back at the night sky, Vince couldn't help but sulk a bit, feeling sad "No matter how bright and beautiful the moon is, there are still times at night it's obscured by the clouds...." driving off onto the road, he continued to think aloud "Perhaps if Derrick can pull things off, at least tonight, we can remove those clouds and witness the beauty of a clear night sky."

Still driving, Derrick and Jay were severals out from closing in on the Sagara Compound, having gotten off the phone with Vince and reading a text from Lieutenant Miller Derrick was giddy as a school girl "I would ask if your pregnant from the way your glowing friend..good news?" Jay inquired "Yeah...I guess you were right." Derrick answered, beaming at his phone "She's come through for me once again....even though I made an attempt on the life of her and her friends...she still trusts me..." his smile turned into a frown "she always does..." he trailed off into deep thought "Hey!" snapping him back to reality, Jay gripped him firm by the wrist "You know what that means?" Derrick looked out the window 

"What?" Jay couldn't help but snicker in response to the avoidant behavior "I won't tell you this time....I'll just say this.." Turning back to look at him, Jay could tell he was waiting for him to finish "It's nothing wrong with following your heart." Staring down at his phone and then looking back at Jay, Derrick wagged his finger in his direction "Hate to say it, but you're probably right this time." Upon hearing this Jay pinched himself "Ha! Ha!" Derrick fake laughed "But for real...thanks for everything man...you've been there through thick and thin..." looking ahead at the road, he closed his eyes enjoying the quiet of the countryside "Just one last ride..just one last ride.."

Elementia's Oracle: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now