The End Part 2

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"Can't believe we just left her..." Brook looked away "Tess, there's nothing we could've done-" Tess met his gaze irate "THEN WE SHOULD'VE STAYED! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!! WE COULD'VE BEEN-" A wail met his ears causing him to wince "I KNOW OKAY!!" 

Brook yelled back rolling down his window to spit in disgust "Brook-" Tess broke down and started sobbing "I'm sorry. I-" Brook grabbed Tess' hand squeezing it tight, lifting it up, he kissed the back of it gently hoping to comfort and reassure her "It's fine now. I'm here." Tess leaned over to rest on Brook's shoulder and closed both eyes 

"I'm here" 

"Look Mommy! A hypnotist" a child pointed  walking d by  "A keen observation young lad" the street performer  flashed his diamond yellow teeth "Does it really work?" the child asked, staring up in awe "Well, with your mother's permission why don't you see for yourself!" 

Looking back up to his mother doe-eyed and pleading his mother relented "Fine, go on ahead sir with your 'demonstration'" the boy jumped up and down hand clapping "Yay! Yay!! Yay!" the man waited for him to settle down a bit for giving him instructions. 

"Alright young lad, are you ready now?" the man looked down and smiled "Yeah!" this caused the man to laugh "Such youthful exuberance "Alright then, watch this pendulum swing back and forth forth and back...on the count of'll sleep" the young man's eyes were glued "One" he started counting "Two!" before he could get to three snoring could be heard coming from the young child. 

"Milton!! Milton!!" his mother was concerned "Wake Up!" shaking him a few times for good measure Milton was one again alert "Woah!!" his mother let out a sigh of relief "Silly boy! Why would you play along so well!! I was scared!!" his mother scolded "Why play along like that?" 

"I wasn't Mom I swear! He's the real thing!!" his mother giggled "Maybe so, sir thanks for your time, it's not often people take interest in things he's interested in-you're a nice man" taking off his hat the man took a boy "Pleasure's all mine madam" as they walked off his smile twisted into an evil grin "Of course this hypnotist's trick is that it's all in the eyes!" 

Deciding to have a little bit more fun, he waited until both were a safe distance away before forcing the both into a state of unconscious no one through normal means could shake. 

"You're here again" Jamie walked in to see a Mayuri in bed and a transparent version starting out the window, having stabilized yesterday she was no longer being kept in ICU and Jamie took special interest in overseeing her as a patient til' she rose out of coma. 

"Where else would I be?" Mayuri was sharp in returning Jamie's question with on of her own "Something tells me not a ghost, but right now you don't seem alive either" Mayuri shrugged both shoulders "Perhaps I live in a realm in between" Jamie started checking Mayuri's vitals while conversing "Well, physical condition's improved-" Jamie charted "Still this far from normal, but what would I even tell the doctors?" 

Mayuri turned around in hospital gown and all, clothes changing right before Jamie's eyes into a black catsuit with matching boots, to Jamie's shock Mayuri was able to reach out and hold hands "What!?" heart skipping several beats, she jumped back in shock "But you're here!!" Mayuri inched close to Jamie's face til' they were nose to nose. 

"How my powers works and manifests itself there, it seems I have access to it somewhat and by some sort of miracle I still have conscious control of what lies in my subconscious mean-don't why it's reaching out to you, but here we are" Mayuri attempted to explain while Jamie was dumbfounded 

"Huh?" Jamie looked at Mayuri drawing blanks 

"Think of me as a ghost outside of shell that only you can see" Mayuri broke it down further "Okay!" Jamie's expression was now cheery "I think I get it! Your spirit's reaching out to me and now we're friends!" This time it was Mayuri's turn to be dumbfounded "I wouldn't say all tha-"

Elementia's Oracle: Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora