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"Derrick, we've gotta go tail them for a little just in case, on the way things might not be bad as it looks...." Lieutenant Mill wasn't sure what was going on "Talking in code?" he raised his eyebrow "It's fine, you two have my permission to leave." one of his officers pulled him by the sleeve "Sir, aren't these two your inside guys? We need them here." Shrugging him off, Lieutenant Miller wouldn't dignify the question with a response "Then again, maybe I'm speaking above might rank." Lieutenant Miller gave him a thumbs up "Good grief. I'll get back to work, with that explosion going off, I hope we can still retrieve that evidence 'Something tells me it's about more than the evidence now.' watching Derrick and Jay get into the car and take off, an unsettling feeling settled over him he couldn't shake.

"Something strange is going on here" finally putting out the fire, a member of the investigative team swept the area "What do you mean?" another member walked over "You see that opening, logic dictates they would've exited and escaped, but they're no tire marks, no footprints, no nothing-" bending down, the other member grabbed a fistful off ash, watching it slip through his fingers like sand in an hourglass "So you want us to take a look inside, but nothing at the other end of the tunnel but debris-the mansion collapsed." piecing things together, a hypothesis formed and took shape "Many ways to die...you know what I think?" looking at him, his team member blank stared back .

"Total and complete immolation." his partner in finding crime snickered "That would req-" throwing ash at him, his partner stop giggling "Blue flame. That would narrow things down." Standing back, the two came face to face "The strings you need to pull to get those would mean we're in over our head." Eyes narrowing, he turned on his radio "Hello? We saw no sign of anything suspicious...no body no nothing. I think we put out a warrant for arrest and call it a night." Hearing cursing on the other end, it was clear Lieutenant Miller wasn't pleased.

'Please God. Please.' Derrick thought to himself, hot on the Animal Rescue's trail, intending to make sure the animals got to their destination safe, afterwards appointments needed to be kept at the airport and zoo "Look, a shooting star." Jay brought to his attention, looking up Derrick caught a glimpse of the constellation twinkling out of the night sky 'If wishes come true then.." his train of thought was interrupted, looking down at his phone his heart dropped to his knees 

"Hello! Hello?" it was the attendant's number "Trash. Absolute garbage move not giving us a heads up!" Mayuri's voice was cacophonic on the other end "Like music to my ears" the tears came out in streams "You have my apologizes, but honestly it's great to hear your voice." holding her phone away from her ear, Mayuri was taken aback "Sweet talk won't save you from my wrath." Sighing, Derrick gave Jay a thumbs up "I owe you one I suppose, so I take it since you took so long you found the case." Chaos was heard in the background accompanied by a loud smack "I swear Gano! You're like a child!!" static occurred with the phone speaker not handling the sound "Good to know you lot are getting along." On the other line he could've swore Mayuri gagged.

"I wouldn't call it that, your attendant helped his escape last minute, we didn't have a spare key, so we just forced open the door." an awkward silence settled over the phone "Anyways-" he cleared his throat "About that case-" the reception faded in and out, so he had trouble making out her words "We got it you dolt! But after today's events I don't feel like making another great escape or high speed chase, find a way to clear the area and the evidence will be delivered express. Yeah?" Pinching his nose, he wondered if the monkey paw was strangling him as punishment for his wish "Yuri...anything for you." 

Hanging up, Jay observed his friend looking at peace and content "I take it a certain someone is still alive?" Derrick nodded his head "Getting them to abandon the investigation is going to be hard to pull off." Derrick sulked in defeat "Maybe Miller can pull some strings." Jay looked at him then back at the road "Hey. What was that for?" Ignoring him, Jay continued to drive "Jay. Jay! If you don't answer me, I'll have a pigeon peck at your eye." no response "JAY!!"

Elementia's Oracle: Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt