Chapter 6.2

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Step by step they were running out of breath "Yo Gano" Douglas started a conversation between gasps "With those powers of yours Mayuri told us about, can't you just lift us out of here" Gano shook his head "First of all I just got my strength back....and second of all" he shot a look at each member of the group, saving the most scathing one for Mayuri "My powers that work like you think they do."  Deciding the sewers were neither the time nor place  to have a long animated discussion on the matte, everyone resolved to move on for the time being "You gotta do something! If that thing catches up to us-" Tess panicked, holding onto Broook's hand  for dear life  "Fuck all the other shit man- " Brook started panting "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY THE FUCK THERE A RANDOM GATOR DOWN HERE!!" After Mayuri's  revelation, the long reptilian emerged from the watery depths, snaring Mr. J'smith into its jaws, and started to give them chase. 

"For once-" Mayuri shot Gano a dirty look  "-I wish the rumors about you were true." Gano chuckled in response  "So do I" he joked "Gators, gators, gators, why'd it have to be a fuckin' Gator!" Mayuri voice quivered "'Yuri?" Gano looked on in concern "Don't call my name unless you're going to do something Gano! RIGHT NOW!" Mayuri cried out, hoping to answer her plea, Gano  channeled his focus "Fine! Watch this!!" Mayuri yelped in surprise when the lighter in her pocket was lifted off her person. Doing a one-eighty degree skin, getting into a battle stance Gano stood his ground as  the gator approached -jaws open and ready to devour "As expected." Gano couldn't help but  grin "Hey King of the Sewer! It's nothing personal, but from here on out... it's GAME OVER!!" throwing the lighter, Gano waited until it was mid-way down the reptilian's throat before holding his hand forward, shooting a current of green electricity forth. The amount of heat generated by the voltage was enough to  ignite the lighter, the gato could do nothing but let out snarl throwing its head back and forth. Being scarred and scaled, the apex predator was being electrocuted from the inside, Gano closed his eyes, unable to bear causing a living creature pain  "I'm sorry" Gano he apologized, voice tainted with anguish and pain Tess couldn't help but turn around to look , "Gano" she whispered,  placing  her hands over heart. 

"JUST GO DOWWNNNNNNNNN!" Gano  yelled, eyes glowing eerie green, the heat generated from the amount of voltage Gano was frying the creature with was taking its toll on him "Gano!" Tess rushed forward, grabbing and shaking him by the shoulders, Gano body was damp from having broken into a sweat and smoke could be seen leaving his body as well "You're not recovered yet!! Are trying to kill yourself!?"Ignoring her, Gano knew he was almost, the gator's insides were charred black, and its skin started to flake, making one last ditch effort charging towards them,  Gano's eyes glowed brighter and the amount of voltage increased just enough to bring the creature to collapse. Twitching, but no longer moving, Gano put his hands on his knees, and immediately started sucking wind. 

"Gano" rushed over to hold him up, allowing her strength to be his "You okay?"  Breathing starting to slow, Gano gave her a thumbs up, not able to speak just yet "I hate you so much." Tess took a deep breath of her own "C'mon, let's catch up." Finally seeing light at the literal tunnel's end, the others waited for them outside "Hey!" Douglas took in their surrounding's  "I know where this is!" he adjusted his glasses "You should, this is Owl's Forest, right outside the city's limits. I figured we'd pop up here." Brook whistled "That's one hell of a secret route! Didn't think we'd make it this far!" he exclaimed "Well, don't be to impressed" Mayuri replied "There goes the green-haired idiot and your girlfriend now, we still have some ways to go." Douglas groaned 

"My legs feel like noodles! I can't keep going through this man!" he whined, Mayuri rolled her eyes "You want to stay out here sitting duck, then be my guest and go ahead!" she stomped off in the direction of the forest "Yo Tess! Gano! What's up!!" Brook greeted them "Nothing much. Gano took care of that thing chasing us, but he's tuckered himself out..can you?" Brook read her like a book, going around to Gano's other side to help him walk "Gosh, I feel so guilty now-" Douglas scratched the back of his neck "-we were really going to let Mayuri's information drop, make us forget you're one of us." The three of them shared a look, and then a collective nod "That's right!" Tess agreed "If you say something corny like 'One for all and all for one'.." Brook accused "I swear to god..." Gano laughed, lifting his head up "Think that's a pretty dope line myself" he remarked "You would-" Douglas poked him in the forehead "-then again, when I said I wanted an encounter with an extraterrestrial, I never imagined it'd be someone regular as you." 

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