chapter 11

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It's been 3 days since asia became rias bishop, asia has been enrolled into kuoh academy thanks to rias help. The Hyoudou's had adopted asia into their family, their parents didn't have a problem with it since they like her and always wanted to have a daughter to call their own. What shocked the Hyoudou's family is that Izuru changed his appearance mostly his hair he had cut his hair and style his hair spikey

 What shocked the Hyoudou's family is that Izuru changed his appearance mostly his hair he had cut his hair and style his hair spikey

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A/n: this is how his hair looks after he cut his long hair.

They left the house and went to school together, Izuru is walking behind his two siblings asia and Issei he is thinking about what else can he do with his dragon slayer magic. He couldn't help but smile after the thought of what Gandora told him

They arrive at the school and everyone was in shock seeing Issei with asia but what caught their attention was Izuru and how he looks different now. Izuru just ignore it and walks to the student council room before class starts, he knocks on the door as he waits for a reply.

??: come in.

Izuru will come inside as he looks around he sees sona and tsubaki, sona looks up as she soon ask him

Sona: um who are you?

Izuru: now that's a bit harsh sona I know my idiot brother is pervert but I didn't think you would forget how I look.

Sona and tsubaki are in total shock seeing Izuru look like a different person.

Izuru: shall we play a game of chess sona?

Sona: very well Izuru.

He sits down as sona takes out chess board game as they start playing.

Izuru: so tell me sona how has your day been?


Sona: it's been well Izuru.


The two are focused on the game if chess izuru is observing sona, this reminds him so much when Asuma and him played shogi together.

Izuru: sona if we thought of people in the japan as pieces of shogi or chess, then sona you would probably be the knight.

Sona and tsubaki were shock at what he said, he continues to focus on the game not paying attention to their reactions.


Sona: then what about you, Izuru?

She will ask him while they continue to play their game if chess.


Izuru: I'm nothing, I'm justa sacrificial piece.

She wasn't sure what he meant but she continues to listen.

Izuru: so do you know who the king is?


Sona: isn't it the president?

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