chapter 17

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It nighttime at the occult research clubroom everyone is getting ready for the rating game against riser phenex and his peerage. Everyone is in their uniform except for Asia who is wearing her nun outfit and Izuru who is wearing a outfit he design with Erik.

Izuru and Erik look at everyone, kiba who has some gauntlet in both his arms and armor on his lower legs and his sword on his sword on his side, due to his training Izuru reaction time to attack is perfect and his speed has been increased more faster than it alreadly is. His agility to dodge in time for incoming attacks thanks to his training Erik had train Izuru to the point he can hear his opponent's movements, Koneko is sitting by the couch reading a book with some fingerless gloves aisia is nervous about theis being her first time fighting. Issei is the same as asia nervous he looks at his brother and Erik he can tell his brother had change as well but he knows something is off about his brother. Akeno along with rias are tea to calm their nerves Izuru is telepathy talking to each member of Oración Seis and Karito giving them their orders as soon the game starts they are order to be by his side.

Izuru looks at rias seeing she is nervous about this being her first rating game and her chance to be free from that arrogant weakling. He sees Issei looking at her as he smiles softly knowing his brother is worried for the woman he is in love with. He even heard their conversation when he finally arrive at their training.

Flash back.

Late at night Issei is walking towards the kitchen to drink some water and then he went back to his room before he pass the living room he sees riad in her nightgown with a sad expression on her face he went towards her.

Issei: hey rias are you alright?

He ask getting her attention.

She then looks at him.

Rias: issei.

She said to him with a surprise look.

Issei: are you okay, you look a little troubled.

He said with a worried look.

She looks down with a sad look.

Rias: it's just I'm worried about this game, it's my first time but we're up against him. He played ten times and won eight of them but the other two he lost on purpose for earning some favors to the other house.

She said to him on the verge of crying.

He looks shocked when he hears that.

Rias: I'm scared if we lose this game, I don't want to know what will he do to me, akeno, Koneko and asia. I'm so scared of losing you, kiba and Izuru further more he is a member of the phenex family that has regeneration ability to heal any injuries in battle it will not be easy.

She said to him as she starts to cry.

He is shocked that she is afraid about what will that bird brain will do to her and the other girls, he then hugs her.

Issei: you don't have to be scared rias, I know we will win this and you will be free of him even if we are back against the wall we will find a way to win and do whatever you want in your life.

Issei will say with a smile while hugging her.

She is surprised about it, she smiles back and hugs him.

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