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Enhanced strength

Enhanced speed

Enhanced stamina

Enhanced durability

Enhanced endurance

Enhanced agility

Enhanced reflexes

Enhanced dexterity

Enhanced resilience

Enhanced flexibility

Enhanced Senses

Weapons proficiency


Hand-to-Hand combatant

Master Strategist

Expert Sensor

Striking viper Silat fighting style


Abyss Magic
[It allows the user to conjure, control, and manipulate the Abyss as they will it. It can take many forms from the most simplest of teleportation magic to creating new dimension.]

Abyss magic spells


Dark Slash - Sends out Dark Slashes cutting a target.

Dark Transit - Enhances the speed and agility of the caster in dark areas.

Dark Area - Creates an area of darkness around the caster or target.

Dark Twister - Creates a twister of darkness.

Dark Beams - Shoots beams of darkness out of the casters hands.

Dark Trail - Creates a trail of darkness wherever the caster walks.

Dark Maker Magic - Create using the dark.


Darkness Conceal - Conceals the caster in aura of darkness.

Darkness Storm - Creates many twisters of darkness.

Darkness Mass-Transit - Enhances the speed and agility of the caster and or targets in dark areas.

Darkness Maker Magic - Create using Darkness.

Wings of Darkness - Allows the caster to fly using dark wings.


The Abyss - Creates an abyss that is large enough to swallow a town.

Black Hole - Create a black hole of any size, sucking up anything that draws to near.

Dimensional Magic - Control over pocket and dimensions that the caster has created.

(On Hold) The Dragon Of Destruction, Black Dragon EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now