chapter 14

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It's been a couple of days since Erik became Izuru familiar. The two have trained together he help Izuru with his striking viper fighting style while he trains with Erik here he also trains with Gandora in his mindscape, the two would vist a old Japanese compound as erik is looking around Izuru is eating a apple he couldn't help but remember the days he and old man Asuma the building they are at is the old home of Asuma his father figure.

Izuru: it's been so long since I have been here.

Erik: so what's this place boss?

Izuru: this place used to belong to a old man who taught me many things as a child.

Erik: i see and let me guess this is the place you want to buy?

Erik would ask Izuru as Izuru just nods his head.

Izuru: that's correct this is the place I want to buy, the old man once said he always wanted a son. Even though the place hasn't been touch all his stuff is still here I tend to keep my promise to him.

Erik: you're very interesting boss

The two will clean the place up while Kurokei is sitting down watching the two.  Izuru and Erik will be fixing the place up it took the two about 5 hours to clean the whole compound Kurokei is sleeping on the couch. Izuru just smiles and pets the sleeping kitty the two will walk back to the house while he is holding Kurokei in his hand she is purring happily.

The two went back to the house as they start eating with the family, Kurokei laying down on Izuru lap after they ate Izuru sent rias a message of the house he wants to buy.  Izuru and Erik decided to explore the town as erik soon ask him.

Erik: so tell me boss why do you want to get stronger? I mean you're strong alreadly so why even more stronger.

Izuru: it's simple my goal is to become the strongest dragon slayer out there, I want to protect those who are close to him.

Erik just nods his head as the two just chat with each other they went deep in the forest to start their training together, they dash at each other clashing with each other punching each other they said they won't be using any magic since they didn't want to risk endangering others until Izuru gets the compound. Once their sparing was done Erik was teaching Izuru how to use summon magic Erik will set up a barrier so no one could notice.

Erik: alright I set up the barrier boss you can now try summoning.

Izuru: alright.

Gandora: this will be very interesting to see indeed hatchling.

Izuru close his eyes and starts focusing his magic into summoning a serpent to his side. The snake tattoos that over his body starts to glow as a black magic circle appears underneath him.

Izuru: come to my side!

Izuru: come to my side!

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(On Hold) The Dragon Of Destruction, Black Dragon EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now