Chapter 1

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In the hallway of the housholde of Hyoudou's, Izuru a 17 year old with very long messy black hair and red eyes wearing his kuoh academy uniform walking towards his brother's room with a apple in his hand when he stands in front of the door.

Knock Knock Knock

Izuru: bro wake the hell up, mom said breakfast is ready.

Izuru says through the door but doesn't get a response from his perverted brother. He decided to enter the room seeing his brother sleeping on his bed with his usual pervert smile. He stands beside the bed side poking his face irritated.

Izuru: Isses wake up it's time to eat breakfast.

Izuru says while poking his face, Issei moves around on his bed while sleeping.

Issei: oppais.~

He says in his sleep.

Izuru right eye twitches annoyed at his brother if his glare could kill Issei would have been dead by now, his lip twitches upward into a evil smirk on his expressionless face he walks out of the room getting a bucket filling it up with water and ice. He walks back to the room and looks down at him

Izuru: whatever god that is fair to my idiot brother may you have pity on his soul.

Izuru then soon dumps the ice cold water onto his brother as a scream can be heard throughout the house.


Issei scream and jumps out of his bed slipping on the wet floor.

Izuru starts laughing at his brother mostly of him slipping and falling face first to the floor.

Izuru: oh god that was funny.

He is holding his stomach with tears from laughing.

Issei stands up and shivers due to the ice cold water drench on him.

Issei: damn you bro, you ruined my beautiful harem dream!

He says to his brother angrily, Izuru takes a bite out of his apple and looks at him.

Izuru: I wouldn't have to wake you up for your stupid perverted dream if you change your ways. Now get dressed so we can eat and go to school.

Issei groans at this because his brother hates his pervert antics with a burning passion. He still remembers the day they adopted him Issei ask him about his opinion on oppais and in return he got his ass beat or how his brother says it beating sense into him, it was even more worse when he ripped or burn his magazine. Their parents were shocked and were so proud when he said "you will respect woman, never will I treat them as some type of meat." They were so happy he wouldn't end up luke Issei their mother was already saying names for her future grandchildren. Issei was in tears but he said to his brother "I will never change my ways! I will become the harem king!" He made a promise to himself to hide his stash but it always fail.

Izuru went out of the room leaving his brother in memory lane, he keeps eating his apple walking to the kitchen. He grabs a plate of pancakes and eggs taking a seat in front if his father.

Father: morning son, how are you feeling today?

His father asked him with a smile so he replys back to his dad.

Izuru: I'm fine father, I had just woken up my idiot brother from a dump place he calls dreamland.

He starts cutting his pancakes as he eats his breakfast.

Father: yes I heard his scream from down here, don't you think it was a bit harsh to wake him up like that?

He ask his son with concern knowing how his son gets when Issei does or say something pervert.

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