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The story is going be on hold, a lot of stuff has been happening the death of my aunt on the 26 kinda hit me by surprise. I might be doing a reboot of the story yes I understand I have a lot of spelling errors and grammar I did write the story all night with lack of sleep so I apologize for the bunch of 'will' in the beginning.

I do plan on continuing the original one since the reboot will have. Bunch of different stuff that should have been in the original story, I've had a writers block for a while and with the stuff happing with family I just haven't had time to work on the story. The reboot will have a different name but still having the same thing the dragon slayer idea.

I apologize to my readers who have been patiently waiting for the next chapter. Yes I know I will be leaving a lot of stuff unanswered like izuru's family history, etc but when I get over the writer block I'll be working on the reboot and my other stories.

So for right now the story will be on hold until further notice. I do hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

(On Hold) The Dragon Of Destruction, Black Dragon EmperorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ