chapter 16

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Izuru is training with Gandora ever since Erik told him what happen when he was releasing his aura some plant life were withering away, Gandora has notice his aura became much more darker than his usual dark aura. His personality is also changing as well in a way hes becoming a different person he feels like theres something dark and sinister inside him but hes unae to figure out what.

Izuru is eating a dead fatalis he had killed, Izuru has notice some changes to his body his teeth slowly become sharp while his nails slowly becoming like claws. He eat every part of it as Gandora told him Izuru to transform into his balance breaker as the while island shakes and the sky darkens. Erik had set up a barrier around Izuru so his energy wont leak out.

Gandora: from what I can see is some how hes been curse with death magic. The question is how and when did he get curse with death magic?

They start fighting each other at full power clashing at each other, while they are training Oración Seis are also training preparing as well Erik had order the others to train while Izuru is training in his mindscape after what he saw they all need go be strong especially if they are to follow his order. When the two met that bird bastard it could literally feel his boss killer intent he it felt like they were being swallowed up by a abyss, while that's going on Izuru and Gandora are fighting each other the ground breaking and lighting forming he couldn't lie his power in balance breaker is unimaginable.

Gandora: that's it hatchling your understanding of balance breaker is truly unimaginable, I'm truly amazed by your progress hatchling

Izuru just nod his head as he continues to stay in his balance breaker, the plan is to have stay in that form to get a understanding of his power it's true that his power double after a good few hours he stop and turn off his balance breaker. Gandora made a plan for him to train for the first month in the mindscape

Day 1

For the first day he had to do 40 squats and 8 push-ups while hes doing that Gandora is just watching having him workout.

Day 2

He starts doing 45 squats and 9 push-ups Gandora is wondering around searching for materials for hatchling.

Day 3

He did 50 squats and 10 push-ups Gandora adds more weight to his gravity.

Day 4

He is doing 65 squats and 13 push-ups.

Day 5

Gandora decides to join in as Izuru is doing 75 squats and 15 push-ups.

Day 6

Izuru is doing 85 squats and 17 push-ups while Gandora is at 65 squats.

Day 7

Izuru is doing 90 squats and 18 squats after a while the two will play some shogi.

Day 8

Izuru is now up at 100 squats and 20 push-ups Gandora is watching while eating some cooked meat.

Day 9

He is doing 115 squats and 23 push-ups.

(On Hold) The Dragon Of Destruction, Black Dragon EmperorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora