It was too much too soon. I needed time to think about it. To think if he was worth it. Because in my eyes, not many people could be worth what I was put through.

And all the other things he had put me through over the last few months. It was going to take more time than a couple days to heal.

Just as I thought about it, I got a fright as I saw the door handle to my room move and the door slowly opened.

I assumed it was Josh returning from getting food. Or maybe my parents. But when they walked through the door, my gentle expression evaporated.

There in front of the open door, Pat stood with his hand on the door. Unsure whether or not to enter.

"I don't want to talk to you" I told him, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"George please" he begged as he shut the door and came closer to the bed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you need to let me apologise" he said.

"I don't need to do anything. You do not get to tell me what to do" I said frustratedly.

"Just let me talk. And you listen. Please" he explained.

I shook my head in disbelief at his wishes. That he even had the nerve to come into my room and demand that I listened to him. Like I was in the wrong.

"Pat no. Not when I'm in this hospital bed, defenceless. Where I can't walk away from you. Because I know exactly how this is going to end. You're going to say you're sorry and want my forgiveness and I just can't give that to you" I told him.

"What so you're just never going to forgive me?" He asked, starting to get agitated.

"You chose her over me. Twice. You told me you never wanted to see me again. Now you show up because I got hit by a car. So no, not right now. I don't know when" I told him, almost yelling.

"You know how sorry I am" He insisted.

"What are you sorry for? Choosing Lily over me even though she cheated on you. Then getting back together with her. Or are you sorry for trying to make it up to me and then breaking my heart. Which one exactly are you sorry for Pat?" I asked angrily.

"That's not fair" He said.

But what part of it could be unfair. All of it was true. All of it had happened. None of it he ever admitted was wrong, and none of it he had apologised for.

So him saying it was unfair took me by surprise. And not in a good way.

"Not fair?! You want to go there!" I yelled at him, sitting up in my bed slowly.

With the help of my arms, I tried my best to lift myself into a sitting position. But I felt a shooting pain in my torso.

It was hard to move. Every part of my lower body hurt. I was always in pain.

"George" Pat said.

He noticed the pain on my face and tried to come forward to help me. I put my hand up in front of my to signal for him to stay where he was.

I readjusted finally in my bed.

"Not fair is being best friends with someone your whole life and them treating you like shit but you stay friends because of how much you love them. And then they break you. They break you so often that you get used to the disappointment. Don't even get me started on 'not fair'" I fired back at him.

My blood was almost boiling just sitting in front of him. While he looked at me with pity.

"You know I didn't mean it like that" he said.

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