"It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before."

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Bakugou's POV

By now, I didn't know what to do.

The soft grey blanket that covered my legs was warm, as a blanket should be, but for some unknown reason, I wished for it to be cold.

Oh, I take that back, I knew why I wanted the blanket to cool down, and that was because Shouto's head was resting in my lap, sweat covering his forehead and panting in his sleep.

He had been running a high fever ever since Izuku got hurt, and when Aizawa bought Recovery Girl in to assess Shouto, she had sighed and told us that his illness was stress related, and that he just needed some powerful pain medication and a lot of rest.

Ever since then, Shouto's been out cold, sleeping through all the fast visits Aizawa made just to make sure he was holding up okay.

The teacher had told me to get some rest, but I couldn't.

Especially with all the All Might posters that were hanging in Izuku's room. I mean seriously, we see him nearly every day and he's our teacher, so why is Izuku still fanboying?

I sighed and shook my head, running my fingers through Shouto's duel coloured hair and lightly massaging his scalp.

Shouto hummed and leaned back into my stomach, his hands still clenching to my shirt and a soft smile placing itself on his lips.

At that moment, with the moonlight slithering through Izuku's curtains and painting a creamy glow across the room, Shouto looked peaceful.

He was relaxed, with his body comfortably snuggling around me and his breathing regulated, even in his sickly state.

However, Shouto and I weren't alone, and a soft snore could be heard from the small couch that Izuku had placed in the corner of his room, and I smiled, because damn, Kirishima's snores are so cute

I pulled myself back from my lustful state and turned away from the snoozing redhead, who had strongly refused on leaving the room until he knew Izuku was alright.

The shark-toothed boy was a mess all day at school, and I can't remember him even taking out his textbooks to write down notes. I was worried about him, sure, because I don't want him to be exposed to this kind of depressing stuff.

I understand that he might want to help us all and encourage us to get better, to be good heroes, but Izuku was trying to do that as well, and he ended up carrying all the guilt on his shoulders, which took him down a path that I never, and I mean never want to see Kirishima go down.

In a way, this was my fault.

I was the one who had told Izuku to kill himself in middle school, and I also knew about his self-harming problems way before we got to UA. And yet, I did nothing to help him, especially since I was doing the same, and I didn't, no – I couldn't show weakness in front of him, because back then he was still Deku –

I took a shuddering breath, shaking my head and removing my hands from Shouto's hair before I could hurt him on accident.

Slowly, and quietly, I slipped from the bed and exited the room, being almost completely silent as I closed the door behind me.

I took a breath, hoping to clear my head while I leaned on the door, but I should know by now that my head wasn't a nice place to hide in, and I quickly found myself in tears, sliding down the door and holding my head between my knees.

Breathing was becoming difficult, and I felt the strange urge to scream, and to yell all my problems to the open world, because surely, someone out there could understand what I was feeling, right?

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