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Todoroki's POV

To say it's hard is an understatement.

It's as if my life was a movie, and I'm watching it through someone else's eyes over and over again, on repeat.

It's always the same things, the same questions.

'How much did you eat today, Todoroki?'

'Come on, we have to weigh you.' 

'You can't leave yet.'

'Your father wants to see you.'

'Are you okay, Shouto?'

The same words, sentences, breaths, are playing on a loop, and I'm sick of it.

I need out. I don't want to be here any longer.

I need to train.

I need to get stronger.

I need to learn control.

Aizawa tries to help, and so does Izuku and Bakugou, but there's only so much that they can do to help me.

The school has arranged a tutor for me while I recover, though I mainly learn from the videos that Izuku takes of our main subjects, such as English and History. He doesn't record anything to do with hero training, though, and when I confronted him about it he just said that he didn't want to push me and make me feel that I can't take my time to get better.

It's beginning to piss me off, though, because it's been a month.

A month after I was diagnosed.

A month since I last saw my classmates.

A month since my father went to jail on a 15-year sentence.

I sighed and leaned back onto my pillows that now surround my cosy hospital room.

The rest of my class, apart from Bakugou and Izuku, haven't been allowed to see me due to hygiene reasons. However, they still showed their support by buying me stuffed animals and fluffy pillows, which really filled the lonely void that suffocates my heart sometimes.

Even though I'm antisocial and barely spoke to anyone while I was still at UA, I still care for my classmates, and they care for me twice as much.

It was currently 3 pm on a Friday, which means that Izuku should be here soon. I smile lightly at the thought of seeing him again, and snuggled into a blue stuffed bunny that Mina got me. Attached to the bunny was a small note, which is still hanging from its front right leg.

I sat up and flipped the bunny over in my hands, grasping the note and reading it again. All 20 of the stuffed animals that I received were from my classmates, each of them leaving a note on the animal that they had given me. I still have the notes attached to the stuffed toys, but I always liked Mina's the most.

I relaxed back into the pillows, my eyes tracing over Mina's neat handwriting.

'Hey Todoroki! I hope you enjoy the bunny, and please get better soon! The whole class misses you, and it's not the same without you here. It's sad that we aren't allowed to visit you, but I'm sure we'll see you soon!

Take care!

~ Mina'

Underneath the small message was a photo of the class, each of them smiling and joyful.

I keep that photo in the back of my phone case as a reminder that they were waiting for me, and that I can rely on them.

Even though I'm not allowed on social media due to my mental instability, I am still allowed to message people. However, I only have Aizawa, Kirishima, Izuku and Bakugou on my contact list, and I don't want to bother anyone by asking for my other classmates' numbers since they might not feel comfortable with it.

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