Lover's advice

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Deku's POV

After Kacchan and Kirishima patched me up, I began to think about what I said to Todoroki.

Immediately guilt flooded through me as I thought of my words and how they caused him to have a panic attack. I knew that Todoroki didn't have the best childhood, so what sick part of me thought that it would be okay to suddenly throw it at him, especially after his break down the night before?

Stupid, selfish Deku, I thought to myself, gripping the edge of the couch until my knuckles turned white. What the hell is wrong with me?

I was startled out of my clouded mind with a hand on my shoulder, the sudden pressure of it making me flinch away.

"Midoriya," I looked up from my lap and turned to see Kirishima's concerned gaze as he sat next to me. "Are you okay? I've been calling your name, but you weren't responding. Did you get hit in the head?"

Kirishima's flow of concerned questions ended when I hesitantly twisted my body and leaned into his shoulder, needing the other boy's comfort.

Kirishima froze, shocked by my actions before hesitantly wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, and relaxed at the touch of Kiri's hand rubbing up and down my back.

"You're okay, Midoriya," He soothed manoeuvring my limp body so that I was sitting comfortably on his legs with the soft grey blanket covering our bodies. "It's Okay. You can talk to me."

I sniffed and gripped onto his shirt, feeling a tug at my heart when I thought about what I did to Todoroki.

"I-It's my fault," I whimpered, tears running down my cheeks. "I started talking about something that I knew would probably set Todoroki off... I'm so selfish." I sobbed harder, my breaths coming out as gasps.

"Hey," Kiri mumbled softly. "I'm sure he'll be fine, and that he'll forgive you. I mean that's what people who love each other do, right?"

I smiled and relaxed more into Kiri's hold, before shifting and sliding to my feet. "I should go check on him." I mumbled, signing.

Kirishima smiled and nodded, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. "That would be a good idea, Midoriya."

I said thank you and left, taking the elevator to Todoroki's dorm floor and walking down the hallway once the doors opened. I stood in front of his door, only hesitating for a second before knocking, and opening it when I didn't get a response.

I was met with darkness as I entered the quiet room, just barely managing to sidestep Todoroki's school shoes through the little light that crept in from the curtained window.

I cautiously moved forward and to the right, where there was a faint outline of a body lying on a futon. I sighed in relief as I saw that Todoroki was still asleep, but a bubble of nervousness and guilt settled in my stomach when I saw dried tear streaks across his face.

"Oh, Todoroki," I mumbled, slipping into the covers and curling at his side. "I'm so sorry."

Todoroki didn't reply, but unconsciously shifted closer towards me, my face going red with a blush when his hand slipped up my shirt and rested on my stomach.

I giggled lightly and brushed my hand towards his face, moving his bangs from his eyes. "Have a nice nap, Shouto. I love you."

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