"Are you awake?"

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Bakugou's POV

"Goodnight, Kiri." I murmured as I left the room, closing the door behind me gently.

I sighed as I turned and walked down the empty halls towards the main entrance, exiting the hospital and yawning as I walked down the street in the direction of UA.

I know more than anyone the dangers of walking alone, especially in a society like ours, but I didn't have any money on me for a cab, and I didn't want to bother Mr Aizawa or any of the other teachers. They have enough problems themselves and I would only be a burden to slow them down.

I didn't walk slowly, but I wasn't walking fast either.

I was still a little dizzy from earlier, and I can't wait to get to the dorms, because hopefully a good night's rest would help the pain in my head disappear.

It was dark out, which was a little strange because I can hardly remember anything that I've done today apart from speaking to Kirishima and Izuku.

I think it was Sunday at around 1 in the morning, which means we have school tomorrow . . . oh well, I'm sure that Mr Aizawa would understand if I missed a day of school.

I had been walking for 10 minutes now, and the unsteady feeling in my stomach was increasing, my instincts telling me that I was in danger.

That someone was following me.

Scowling with my hands shoved into my pockets, I turned into an alleyway, knowing that my stalker would follow.

I walked until I was next to one of the dumpsters, hiding beside it and my hands ready to activate my quirk.

A shadow cast upon the ally, the light from the street lamp making the shadow appear long and terrifying.

It was my stalker.

Hushed footsteps grew louder, and I could tell by the person's delicacy that they know how to keep quiet, which means that they are experienced.

I swallowed as the footsteps halted beside the dumpster, my heartbeat increasing and thrumming loudly in my ears.

Without hesitating, I stood from my crouched position, my right hand outstretched and sparking. I let out a frustrated scream, diving towards the shadowed person with no mercy.

Right as my hand grazed the person's face, there was a flash of red and my quirk disappeared, my hands smoking.

I growled as the person flipped over me and tugged on my shoulders, forcing me to the dirty ground.

I yelled again, screaming die, but before I could fully stand and aim a punch at the person, there were arms around my chest, restraining my movements and angering me more.

I didn't stop thrashing around until I heard a familiar voice.

"Bakugou, calm down." The person said, his voice deep and rough, sounding very tired.

"L-Let go of me!" I screamed again, thrashing around until the arms around me loosened.

Breathing heavily, I scrambled away from the man, not stopping until my back hit the brick wall of a Japanese restaurant.

"Hey," the man said, shadowed by the alley. "It's me, kid."

My eyes widened as the person stepped out of the shadows and into the light, and embarrassment almost overthrew my anger. Almost.

"W-What the hell, sensei!" I yelled, still catching my breath.

Aizawa walked closer, taking his goggles off his bloodshot eyes and blinking, giving me my quirk back.

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