Bedtime Reassurances

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Midoriya's POV

He pressed himself against me and laid in my arms, making me feel safe and protected even though he is a sobbing mess.

Seeing him cry caused an ache in my heart, making me want to cry with him because it hurts to see the people I love beat themselves up like this to the point of exhaustion.

I began to play with his hair, twirling the silky strands through my fingers and mixing the two colours together. I told him how proud I was of him, and how he is encouraging and courageous.

"I love you so much." He mumbled, pressing his face against my shirt.

"I-I love you too," I blushed a deep shade of red. "I'm here for you."

I cover my face as I blushed in embarrassment at how cheesy I just was. My sudden movements caused Todoroki to shift and look up at me with big red eyes.

"It's okay to blush, Midoriya." He took my hands in his and placed them down on his lap. I shut my eyes; trying to get my breathing in control since we were so close.

My heart was thumping faster and faster every second the silence between us continued, and for some reason only god understands, I could feel myself begin to tear up.

"Hey," Todoroki whispered gently. "Open your eyes," I took a deep breath in and did just that. The first thing I saw was the small smile on Todoroki's face, his mismatched eyes glued to my watering ones. "You can cry if you want to, Midoriya."

After those words left his mouth, I suddenly began bowling my eyes out, as if I could only cry if I was given permission.

My salty tears fell like waterfalls down my freckled face, and I closed my eyes again, not wanting to see the look Todoroki had on his face.

But to my surprise, I felt a pair of hands on my cheeks, slowly wiping my tears away before pulling me into a strong hug.

I grip the back of Todoroki's shirt, gasping and sobbing as I tried to regain my breath because I cannot be seen like this. I'm supposed to be the happy one that encourages others, not some sad teen crying in the middle of the night.

"It's okay, Midoriya," I barely heard the other boy say over my sobs. "Shh, it's okay. I am here."

I pulled myself away from him and kissed him, tears still leaking down my face and soaking our shirts.

Todoroki bought his arm around my back and massaged my spine, his other hand on the side of my cheek while I place our foreheads together.

After a few minutes, I looked up and gazed at Todoroki's eyes, bringing my hand up so that it was resting over his left eye and scar.

"You're beautiful." I mumbled, scanning the red skin.

Todoroki tried to smile, even though it looked fake.

"Not as much as you are."

"I Love You."Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat