"Stay awake, Todoroki."

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Bakugou's POV

I woke up to the stupid fire alarms blaring and an increasingly growing headache.

Groaning, I pushed the covers aside and stood from the comfort of my bed, stretching as I walked towards my dresser. Looking in the mirror, it was obvious to see how little sleep I have been getting recently. I let my eyes wander from my face to my stomach, and a part of me was alarmed by how skinny I've gotten, but I know that it is just a result of my eating pattern, which I know Deku has somewhat caught on in Icy-Hot's case. I mean seriously, the kid only eats at maximum one meal a day, and everyone can tell how jumpy and sluggish he's gotten from it.

Shaking my head, I make my way to the door, realising that the alarms were still screaming which meant one of two things.

One meaning that it might not have been caused by a student and could possibly be a break-in.

Two, being that a student may have done it and is injured or unable to erase whatever they have done.

I again groaned to myself, walking out my front door with only my black tank top on and basketball shorts.

"Kirishima, what have you burnt this time? I swear we can't afford to buy a new toaster." I muttered to myself, stepping into the hallway.

Looking left and right I instantly froze. Regaining myself, I began to walk, which turned to full-fledged running, as I heard panicked shouts coming from Deku's room.

When I arrived at his door, I instantly grabbed the door handle, and let go with a yelp. My hand was burned.

Sweat dripping from my forehead, I tried pounding against the door, but the heat was too intense on my exposed skin.

Breathing hard, I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Lida, who looked at me with growing concern, which quickly turned to panic.

"We need to get the door open!" he stated, hands gesturing wildly. "Bakugou, I must insist that you go retrieve our beloved teacher!"

I whacked his hand away from me. "No! You go get him, Sonic!"

Before Lida could object, I felt a hand push against my shoulder and red hair flashed in my vision.

"Bakugou's right, Lida," Kirishima rushed, glancing nervously between us. "You can take the stairs, it'll be faster and the elevators shut down when there is a fire emergency."

Frowning, Lida nodded. "So be it." And then he was gone.

My breathing became ragged and I was panting from the telltale signs of a panic attack, because Izuku, my saviour and my childhood best friend, was possibly burning to death and there is nothing I can do about it.

I thought through the process of opening the door, and quickly dismissed the idea, because the change of air pressure could cause the fire to increase and possibly put Kirishima and I in danger as well. And I will not let another of my friends get hurt.

I quickly took hold of Kirishima's shoulder, knowing that he was about to activate his hardening quirk and barge into the room. "Kiri, you can't –."

The sudden drop in temperature, which hit Kiri and I like a rock, cut me off. Gasping, I fell to my knees, gripping at my chest as each of my breaths burned the inside of my lungs. Kiri followed suit, and activated his quirk in an attempt to regain his strength.

Looking up, my eyes widened at the state the hallway was now in. The intense heat was gone, and was replaced by ice. Layers and layers of ice, which hung from the roof and crept along the floor, thankfully stopping just before it reached one of the other student's dorm door.

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