"I'm trying to be happy."

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Todoroki's POV

Today was the day I am being discharged, and nothing could contain my joy.

Izuku brought a small suitcase with him when he came over yesterday, and we were up all night packing my clothes and stuffed animals. Aizawa came yesterday to tell us that Izuku was excused again for the day, and that we were both supposed to return to the dorms at 10 am once everyone had left.

It was currently 9:30 am, which means it was finally time for me to be properly discharged. After signing some papers and gathering my suitcase and other bags, Izuku and I walked out of the hospital and towards a car that the school had arranged to take us back to the dorms.

Izuku took all the bags and put them in the very back of the car before helping me into the backseat. We both sat together, of course, and I looked out the window as the car started moving.

The streets weren't anything that amazed me, but I felt a sense of peace, because I was going home.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, leaning back into the leather seat.

I opened my eyes a minute later when I felt Izuku's hand grasp my own, and I turned my head to see him giving me a worried smile.

"Hey, are you okay, Shouto?" he murmured, squeezing my hand.

I smiled and nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I'm just nervous."

Izuku giggled and leaned into me, kissing my cheek again.

Five minutes later we arrived at the entrance of the school, and Izuku and I gathered my suitcase and bags, waving goodbye to the driver as the car disappeared around the corner.

I picked up one of the two bags and hung it over my shoulder. Before I could reach for the suitcase and the other bag, which was filled with stuffed animals, Izuku grabbed both of them and put the bag over his shoulder, pulling the suitcase behind him as he walked towards the dorms.

I walked by his side, huffing. "You know, I can carry my own stuff. I'm not weak."

Izuku hummed and turned to smile at me. "I know, but I want to hold them for you. It makes me feel useful."

I nodded and looked away, my eyes scanning upwards as the dorms came into view.

We both walked silently through the dorms, calling for the elevator and going to the common room.

I sighed as I walked towards the couch, collapsing onto it and curling into a ball as exhaustion from not sleeping all night struck me. The bag that I was carrying fell to the floor, and I quickly reached into it and pulled out the blue bunny, snuggling it into my chest as I closed my eyes.

After a few minutes, and right before I was about to fall asleep, I felt a hand rub my cheek and a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm gonna put the bags away, you can stay here and sleep, okay Shouto?"

I hummed a yes and snuggled into the bunny, feeling additional warmth around my body as Izuku placed a soft blanket over me.

Without much more thought, I fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

Bakugou's POV

The class was extra giddy and excited today, especially since Todoroki was being released.

I sighed and shook my head as the final bell rang, hearing the loud screeching of chairs as the whole class jumped up and raced out of the door.

Even though they were fast, I was faster.

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