The Little Mermaid

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Wow guys! We're #3 in Tododeku and #1 in depressedTodoroki! Thanks so much!

Kirishima's POV

After waking up, I instantly groaned, feeling tired and dehydrated.

I groggily looked to my left and grabbed my phone, checking the time. It was just after midnight, and this was confirmed when I stood from my bed and walked over to the window, pulling back the curtains and seeing that it was dark outside, the moon blanketed by the grey clouds.

I sighed and closed the curtains before turning, closing my eyes and stretching my arms high over my head, arching my back and causing a few satisfying cracks.

I released another breath and looked around the room, a lump on the couch catching my eye.

I shuffled forwards silently as I approached the couch and kneeled in front of the lump.

A fuzzy grey blanket was covering the figure, but not the spiky blonde hair that I recognised as Bakugou's.

I cautiously stood and shifted onto the couch, laying my hand on Katsuki's hair. From the muffled snores erupting from beneath the blanket, I could tell that he was asleep.

I held my breath and risk-fully tugged on the end of the blanket, pulling it below the blonde hair and showing Bakugou's face.

I instantly quivered.

His cheeks were chubby and his lips were shaped in a pout. His eyebrows furrowed, his closed eyes making his eyelashes brush against his cheeks.

His cheeks, which were tearstained.

Instantly, worry filled me and I shifted closer to his face, checking for any injuries.

After seeing that he was not visibly injured, I quickly scanned the room, trying to find a blob of green curly hair.

After realising that Midoriya was not in the room, I panicked, because I don't know what to do.

Why wasn't he here? Did he and Bakugou have a fight? Is that why he's crying, even in his sleep?

I turned from my thoughts and leaned back on the couch, twirling Bakugou's hair between my fingers, hoping that it was comforting him in some way.

I looked up at the TV, which was playing some weird movie about an ant collecting food. I chuckled softly to myself, because the TV was on the kids' channel, and seeing that Midoriya isn't in the room, Bakugou must have been the one to watch it.

Smiling, I rested my head on the couch, pulling out one of the other blankets and snuggling into it.

For a few minutes I watched the movie silently, having put the subtitles on so that Bakugou could get the rest he needed and deserved.

Time seemed to slip from my grasp, and I was shook from my dozing state by a ray of sun hitting my face.

Groaning, I raised an arm to my face, blocking out the sun and seeing Bakugou standing there with the curtains swishing behind him.

He had a smug look on his face and I internally cursed him, because how dare he ruin my beauty sleep by opening the curtains

"Hey," he sighed, walking behind the couch and out of my sight. "How'd you sleep?"

I could hear a clutter from behind me and a tap turning on.

"I-I slept okay," I mumbled, sitting up from where I was laying across the couch and running my hand through my hair and down my face. "How about you?"

"I Love You."Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang