"He needs me here, so I'm staying!"

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Aizawa's POV

As usual, my alarm wakes me up and my day begins, just like every other.

I groaned as I stretched, reaching my arms high over my head and smiling at the satisfying sound of my back bones cracking.

Sighing, I went through my morning routine and had breakfast, brushed my teeth and hair, before getting changed.

I then headed out to UA, where my students were obviously waiting.

Before I reached the gates, my phone pinged and I looked at the message, stopping the car.

It was from Midoriya.

Midoriya: Hey Mr Aizawa. I'm so sorry to trouble you but can I please be excused for the day?

I frowned in concern, and was quick to type a reply.

Aizawa: Why?

After a few seconds, there was a reply.

Midoriya: Todoroki isn't doing too well and keeps throwing up. He won't listen to his nurses and doctors and is running a high fever. He just passed out a few minutes ago.

Aizawa: I'm on my way.

I was quick to change my route and turned the car around, heading towards the hospital.

Since my car had Bluetooth, I made a call on my phone.

"Hello? Aizawa?" Midnight answered, and I sighed in relief.

"Hey, I know that it's your day off after stopping that poisonous gas villain, but I need you to take over my classes for the day."

"W-What? Why?"

I sighed, turning into the hospital.

"One of my students is currently in hospital and apparently his condition has worsened, and I need to be there for him."

"Oh," she replied, sounding a bit shocked. "Okay, I'll take your classes today, but you owe me!"

I smiled and nodded even though she couldn't see me.


I ended the call and rushed into the hospital, turning down the hallways and walking at a fast pace until I reached Todoroki's room.

When I opened the door, the foul smell of vomit hit my nose and I almost gagged, but I continued to walk further into the room. I opened one of the windows in the hope that the wind would take the smell away.

I then turned to Midoriya, who was holding onto Todoroki's hand with his face pressed into the covers, his phone discarded beside his head.

I sighed again tiredly and sat down next to him, shaking his shoulders.

"You're excused, kid." I answered, getting a gruff groan in reply.

"T-Thanks, Sensei." Midoriya mumbled, turning his face to smile at me.

I nodded and patted his head, sighing as I looked towards Todoroki.

Todoroki was paler than he was yesterday, and his body was burning to the touch. He had sweat matted on his forehead and was wincing in his sleep, his brows furrowed as if he was in pain.

My eyes flicked to his wrist where the IV was, following the thin tubes until I reached the liquid-filled bags that hung on the stand.

I frowned when I noticed a new bag, this one filled with a dark blue liquid.

"Midoriya," I said, gaining his attention. "What's that blue liquid for?"

Midoriya looked up at me questionably and then to the bag, his eyebrows rising in recognition.

"Oh, that's a quirk suppressant," the greenette answered, swallowing. "The doctors had to give it to him because his quirk acted up and got . . . out of hand."

I looked down at him and noticed the way he was slouching and using his right hand to hold onto Todoroki's, even though it would be easier with his left.

"Show me your left hand, Midoriya."

Midoriya's green orbs snapped open and he looked at me, panicked.

"W-What? Why?" he stuttered, making no move to show me his hand.

I sighed and walked closer to him, grabbing his left arm and bringing it into my line of sight. The action caused Midoriya to flinch and whimper, looking down at his lap.

I eyed the bandages that were wrapped professionally around Midoriya's hand and wrist, taking note of a small bloodstain on his bandaged palm.

"Midoriya," I said softly, kneeling beside him so that I could look at his face. "What happened?"

Tears began to roll uncontrollably down the younger boy's cheeks, and my heart squeezed painfully at the sight of one of my students looking so broken.

"I-It was my fault!" he sobbed, cradling his arm to his chest securely. "H-He didn't mean it, he c-couldn't control it, and I was the one who grabbed him."

Midoriya cried harder, and I hesitantly wrapped my arms around the smaller boy, hoping to comfort him in any way possible.

"Hey, it's okay," I assured, rubbing his back. "But I need you to tell me exactly what happened, can you do that?"

The shaking boy nodded and wiped his tears away, smiling sadly.

"S-Shouto was sick and wouldn't let me or any of the nurses help him. He was refusing assistance, but then his fever picked up and he accidentally used his quirk," Midoriya recounted, looking down shamefully. "I had grabbed him because he was falling over, and he . . . he burned me."

We were both quiet, and Midoriya sniffed again before continuing.

"I-I know he didn't mean to, but it still hurts," he murmured, looking up and meeting my eyes with his. "It hurts to see him like this, and to watch him suffer."

I nodded and sighed, patting his fluffy green hair. "You don't have to watch him. You could always go back to the dorms and –."

"No!" Midoriya yelled, tears spilling from his bloodshot eyes. "I-I have to be here for him, h-he needs me here, so I'm staying!"

I nodded, knowing that there was no way I could change his mind, not when he's this determined.

It's a trait that I always admired about Midoriya, his determination, but I know more than anyone that it can hurt you, and there's no turning back once it does.

Thanks so much to all the people who vote and comment. It makes me really happy.

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