Midnight panic

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Midoriya's POV

After we both calmed down, exhaustion hit us like a brick, and we had dozed off in each other's arms, knowing that we love and are safe with each other.

We ignored everything around us, just focussing on each other's breath and feeling our hearts beating in harmony.

Laying in his arms is so much better than Kacchan being rude to me. Or trying to hurt me, even though he is much nicer than he was back in grade school.

~ Flashback ~

I remember being under our school tree on one spring day. The trunk stretched high into the sky, its green leaves sprouting from its branches. This was where Kacchan and I played and hung out together before he got violent. I used to feel calm and protected whenever I was with him, however I always felt like a burden to the spiky-haired boy. I always tried to help him, to show him how much I loved him, but he would always get mad at me for not minding my business, and never forgot to remind me that I was just a useless Deku.

My father's absence was usually filled with Kacchan. Not mean, angry Kacchan, but happy and loving Kacchan.

We used to be really close at such a young age, so young that we didn't even understand what sexualities were and what love really meant.

As we got older, we became closer than we ever thought possible.

On some nights when he would stay over, he would gently stroke my freckled face with his hand, looking at me with eyes that were filled with love and adoration.

"I love you." He whispered, barely loud enough for young Midoriya to understand.

"I-I love you too."

We then both leaned in, giving each other a small peck on the lips with blushes on our faces and a faint smile.

Suddenly, I was taken from my thoughts, not wanting to remember what happened after that and how Kacchan and I's relationship ended.

I could feel myself sweating from the flashback, guilt and sadness filling my chest as I remembered how Kacchan used to make me feel so happy...

I shook my head and sighed, twisting Todoroki's hair in my fingers again while he slept.

"Oh, I see you're up." I heard Todoroki's voice sigh, causing me to jump.

I tilted my chin upwards so that my eyes met his, my heart beating like a drum against my rib cage.

"Y-Yeah, why didn't you wake me up?"

He huffed a laugh and gave me a smile, which was rare coming from the young Todoroki.

"Because you looked really cute."

I could feel my cheeks turn red, and I pushed my face into his chest in embarrassment.

This just caused Todoroki to laugh more freely, the sound making my heart squeeze in joy at hearing him happy.

"You don't have to hide from me, Izuku." He whispered, moving his hands under my chin and tilting my face up to meet his warm lips as we kissed.

After our short make-out session, we were both still lying on the bed, faces red and our lips were red and swollen.

"You know something that I think is funny?" I mumbled, not sure whether or not I should continue. "I find it funny that your mum had to leave and so did my dad, which leaves you with just your dad and me with my mum. We kinda reversed situations."

I cursed at myself after finishing that sentence, seeing Todoroki's face twist in pain and his chest suddenly rising with irregular breaths.

He suddenly sat up, gripping at the fabric of his shirt over his heart, multi-coloured eyes blown wide and unfocused.

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