Twilight Tears

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Todoroki's POV

All I remember was the look of fear on his face.

The pure terror reflecting his eyes, ripping his facial features as tears poured down his freckled cheeks.

Green beautiful eyes turned grey, and there was murderous screaming, chanting my name, begging me to stop, for help

I woke up with a gasp, my vision blurred over as my eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting of the room, scanning for anything that shouldn't be there. I looked around and didn't see anyone or anything that was out of place, which was a first.

Sweat dampened my bedsheets and a headache was pulsing at the back of my head. I shifted from my covers and stood, my bones creaking and the feeling returning to my legs in a tingling sensation.

I stumbled towards the window and peered outside, taking note of how the sky was still bathed in darkness against the twinkling stars.

I glanced at my alarm clock on my desk. It read 1 am.

Knowing that there was no way that I would be able to go back to sleep on my own, I began to weigh my options of whether I should go for a walk at the nearby beach to cool down, or if I should just stay in the dorms and work on homework.

My mind wandered off to the events of my dream again and I pinched myself to be brought back to the real world and out of the depressing depths of my brain, not wanting to relive the trauma.

I heard a soft pitter-patter from my window, and to my dismay, I realised that it started to rain. Water drops crashed and streamed down my window in never-ending streams.

I decided in an instant that if the rain clears soon, then I would go watch the sunrise on the beach.

After a few minutes I glanced out the window again, and to my disappointment, the rain was still going strong. I felt restless, and before I knew what I was doing I walked out of my dorm and walked a short distance down the hall, not caring about my sweaty appearance.

I stopped in front of a very familiar door and lifted my fist, knocking on the door quietly to not disturb any of the other students. I held my breath as I heard shuffling from the room inside, and for a second I swear you could hear a pin drop.

The handle jiggled and the door slowly opened just wide enough for me to see a single sleepy green eye.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya exclaimed, opening his door wider and stepping out of his dorm. He lifted his soft hand to my sweaty face, concern pained across his features. "What happened? Are you okay?"

I didn't respond, knowing that my voice would betray me and continued to stare at the wooden floor, feeling tears roll down my cheeks as flashbacks of the nightmare played through my mind.

I felt Midoriya's hand under my chin and he gently tilted my face up to meet his. He searched my eyes for answers to my unusual behaviour and wiped some of my tears from my cheeks.

I breathed in a shuddering breath and instantly wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

Midoriya's POV

I woke up to the light sound of shuffling and a soft knock on my door.

Stifling a sleepy groan, I slipped from my warm bed and stumbled to my feet, slipping slightly as black spots danced across my vision from sleep deprivation and hunger.

I fiddled with the lock before cracking the door open a few centimetres to see who knocked and if they were a threat.

What I saw made my heart squeeze in agony.

There stood Todoroki, my best friend and partner in crime.

A part of me was excited to see him, but that part was quickly overthrown by his slouching stance and watering eyes.

"Todoroki!" I exclaimed, opening the door wider and searching his body for injuries. I lifted my hand and gently placed it on the side of his face, cringing at the amount of sweat. "What happened? Are you okay?"

My worry grew as he failed to answer, and I lifted his chin to meet his face with mine.

I felt my eyes start to tear as I saw Todoroki cry, and I wiped his tears from his cheeks with my thumb. He breathed in a shaky breath before collapsing onto me, snaking his arms around my waist with a strong grip.

His skin was cold against mine and he slightly stumbled, leaning into me as if he was slightly intoxicated.

"Wow, take it easy there." I mumbled as I hugged him back, my face red from embarrassment as I moved my hand through his multi-coloured hair, trying to soothe him.

I love Todoroki's hugs, not because he rarely gives them but because they are much like my mother's. They make me feel warm and loved, and that nothing in this world can stop me from being who I am or who I want to be.

I have been very worried for Todoroki recently, and have been noticing more and more how unstable his mental health has become. He always seems sad despite all the laughs and smiles he gives people, but only a fool wouldn't realise that they are all fake.

I hugged him tighter as if it would be the last time I hug him, letting him cry into my shoulder as he let all his emotions out.

Part of me was honoured. Honoured that such an incredible and independent person like Todoroki would feel comfortable to let himself cry in front of me. My heart blossomed at the thought of me being needed and depended on.

"Are you okay?" I repeated as I slowly pat his back, "I don't like seeing you this way." I confessed, pulling apart from him so that I can look into his unique eyes.

I was about to speak again, thinking he wouldn't respond, but he took a deep breath and looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, confusing me as to why he was apologising.

"W-what?" I stuttered, knowing that there is absolutely no reason for him to feel the need to apologise.

He began to turn and walk down the hall to his room again, but I grabbed his hand, pulling him back towards me.

"Hey I-I think its best if you stay in my room for a bit so that you can calm down and tell me what's wrong." I said, knowing that Todoroki should not be alone right now.

My face flushed red and I just barely prevented myself from spewing hundreds of apologies, taking back what I just said.

"Umm..." he hesitated, looking down the hall towards his lonely room, his neck and ears red.

"Please, Todoroki. You can't be alone right now." I say, remembering the last time something like this happened.

The last time he had knocked on my door in the middle of the night, he had been crying just like how he was now. However, instead of it ending with him talking to me in my dorm, it ended with him going back to his room only to be found the next day laying on the floor passed out, shards of his bathroom mirror scattered across the room.

He was in the hospital for a week, the doctors keeping him on bed rest saying that his body had shut down after being denied food and proper nourishment.

I shook the memory away and lead him into my room, closing the door behind me and turning on my desk light.

I nudged him towards my bed and he sat, taking one of my pillows in hand and hugging it, stuffing his face into it as if it would make everything go away.

I took a seat beside him, slinging my arm around his shoulders and pressing his head against my chest.

Honestly, over the past few years, my feelings towards Todoroki have only grown, and I really want to start a relationship with him, but I know that he doesn't feel the same.

I feel like my feelings would ruin our friendship and that he would hate me, which is why I could never be with him, no matter how much I fantasize it.

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