❣︎ jj maybank | last minute babysitter

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age : 7 months
prompt "john b...could you do me a favor?"
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< jj's pov >

"ready to see john b, y/n?" she tiredly smiled up at me, yawning as i lifted her up. "i bet he's ready to see you!"

"hey my man!" i said opening the door into the chateau, very quickly did i receive a response. "jj... that's the tone you talk in when you need me to do something." he asked before turning around, making eye contact with me.
"john b...could you do me a favor?"


"dude it will only be for a hour...two hours max. i have a short shift today and i can't bring her with me. please." i quickly pleaded. he sighed, nodding. "fine."

i smiled, walking over to him - handing her over and setting my backpack down. "thanks man. she should fall asleep pretty soon and then you'll be good."

"bye y/n/n, i'll see you later. thanks jb!"

< 3rd person pov >

the door closed, leaving y/n and john b in silence, staring at the closed door. "are you tired y/n?" he asked, peering down to look at her. she looked back at him, confused to the noise filling her ears.

"this will be fun right?"

time skip

y/n and john b were pals, best buds. he had known jj since childhood and when y/n unexpectedly came along - he very quickly filled in the uncle role for her.

she had spent majority of her life with not only jj, but john b and the other pogues as well. jj had missed the first month of her life, but to be fair, he didn't know about her until a month into her life. but since then he and the pogues have made sure to be with her all the time.

y/n fell asleep, taking a much needed nap. it had been close to 45 minutes since she initially fell asleep, leaving john b in his lonesome. he was anxious, worrying that if he was too loud she would wake up. he was trying his best to just stay quiet, but everything falls apart somehow.

he wasn't sure how she usually got good sleep, knowing how loud jj could be, but then again once
y/n came into his life - he stepped up a bit. he might've be calmer and more to himself when he was solely with y/n, who would know?

john b had hit the table with his foot on accident, making a few things resting upon the table fall and hit the ground. he groaned, aiding to his foot, complaining at the things that fell. he had been a bit too loud for y/n. her eyes fluttered open, irritated at the feeling of tiredness.

she whimpered, her hands balling into fists, catching john b's attention. he quickly placed the fallen items back onto the table, before going over to her and lifting her up.

whenever he had watched y/n in the past he never had been alone with her for long periods of time. he wasn't experienced with getting her to stop crying, if she were to start.

she sat up in his grasp, whimpering.
"it's okay, y/n. jj will be back soon...hopefully." he reassured her, rubbing her back. she didn't let up, tears running down face.

"alright, let's see what jj packed." he mumbled, walking over to the backpack jj set down by the couch. he unzipped the bag, peering inside. his gaze landed upon a pacifier resting on top. he was quick to take hold of it and give it to baby in his arms.

she sniffled, sucking on the pacifier. her cries subsided, but she whined, rubbing her eyes with her hands. "that's a start, y/n/n."

he continued rustling through the backpack, smiling softly when he found the item he knew she loved most. "look what i found." he cooed, holding it front of her face. she reached for it and brought it close to her laying her head onto it.

he smiled at her, kissing her head. 

now with her mostly calm, he walked out of the chateau and over to the dock. from past experiences he knew sitting by the water and hearing the waves, had calmed her down. when y/n got fussy, jj often went outside with her and sat by the dock. so now it was common knowledge that she liked the water.
she was a pogue - so...

john b sat, placing y/n against his abdomen, her head being supported by the bend of his forearm.

y/n listened to water, hearing it slosh as it hit the docks legs. it was relaxing. relaxing her enough for her to softly shut her eyes, cuddling into her stuffed animal. john b watched her do so, sighing as he smiled down at her.

time skip

a door shut, startling john b. he looked to his left and saw jj walk down the stairs of the chateau. he jogged over to them both, his eyes immediately meeting his daughter.

"i thought you were inside!" he shouted, seeing john b raise his index finger to his lips. he understood his silent message as he approached him.

his cheeks blushed red, a small smirk appearing on his face. whenever he'd see y/n, he'd react in the same he did when he first truly met her. every time he laid his eyes on her, the realization of her actually being part of him hit him. it was quite wholesome.

not wanting to disturb her, he sat across from john b, his eyes lingering on her. "how was work?" john b asked quietly.

"pretty shit, but when is it not? did she cause you any trouble?"

he shook his head. "she fell asleep, woke up, cried for a little bit than fell back asleep." he listed, amusedly.
"kie and pope are busy?"


"well i guess that means the three of us will have to hangout to pass the time." john b suggested, his eyebrows heightened. jj nodded, moving to stand back up. "sounds like a plan to me."

he bent down in front of his friend, his hands gently landing on y/n's sides. he lifted her off of him, quickly pulling her close to him. she groaned, moving her head onto his shoulder. he stood back up, kissing her head. "i missed you, y/n/n." he whispered, rubbing her back. she exhaled, placing her head in the crook of his neck, finding it comfortable.

jj savored the feeling, kissing her again.

"thanks for watching her man..."

"no problem j..."

[ published/ edited : 5/14/2021 ]
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