❣︎ leonardo dicaprio | nap time

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sorry for not updating i've been on a bit of a writers block, would appreciate some feedback/suggestions
( ˘ ³˘)♥

age : 3
prompt nap time brought a bit more than
leo expected...
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< 3rd person pov >

"y/n, nap time." leo chimed to his toddler, ruffling her hair as he passed her by. he had noticed his daughter's exhaustion throughout the day. from falling asleep during her breakfast or dozing off throughout the errands they ran together that day: it was time, y/n got some rest.

she didn't follow leo and his words, staying where she was - her eyes plastered on the screen.

leo waited in her room, expecting her to come in. normally she'd come in, leo would tuck her in and she would fall asleep, but today would be different. leo could already tell.

he walked back out, walking towards y/n's area.
"bud?" he cooed, peeking around the corner.

she held her blanket close to her, her eyes watching every passing motion on the screen. leo grasped the remote, turning the t.v off, that finally catching her attention. she whined, squinting her eyes. "come on y/n, let's take a nap." he repeated.

she shook her head, bringing her hands to her eyes. "why are you crying y/n/n?" leo asked, walking towards her, squatting down. "i not tired." she whined, her speech a bit unclear.

"yes you are." he laughing, cooing to her. she shook her head, coming to her feet. leo reached for her hand, a bit shocked when she shook her head at his offer.

"movie..." she pouted, a sob making its way out. leonardo hadn't really seen y/n act this way, this way being refusing sleep. he wasn't quite sure on how to handle her in the situation. of course he had experiences with her fighting against sleep, but that hadn't really happened since she was tiny. now she could walk, run even and really fight against sleep.

"y/n please sleep, it's been days since i've slept. please just sleep." leo pleaded to y/n, her face red - her throat a bit sore from how much she cried.

       the amount of sleep she had made leo miss was what leo never quite expected when having her. but this was something he now had to deal with.

      "are you hungry? is that the issue?" he asked her, walking to the kitchen - trying his hardest to not crack under the pressure she was placing on him.

"that's not it..." he huffed, placing the bottle down on the counter. he placed his forehead against hers, groaning quietly.

     "at least tell me what you want y/n, so we can both sleep..." he whined. she sobbed, pushing away from him. all she wanted was his comfort but he didn't give her the excitement she expected, further making her upset.

      y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands gripped onto his shirt. leo became quiet, not moving as he let y/n do what she wanted. her head was placed on the side of his neck, her grip still tight on him.

      leo swallowed all his frustration, now understanding what it was she wanted. she wanted him. he returned his hand to y/n's back, apprehensively leaning his head against hers. now receiving what she wanted, her cries subsided.

leo had realized that he had ignored the obvious signs of his daughters need. had he given himself a bit time to articulate both himself and his daughter, the issue would've resolved itself.

       none of that mattered in this instance, all that did was that y/n was finally calm - she may not have been asleep, but she wasn't crying and that was a start.

       "thank god..."

"you can watch the rest of it in a little bit y/n." he calmly said, reaching for her. she didn't scream, didn't yell, she just sat and cried.

crying was common due to her age, but seeing her so tired and weak in the moment made leo awe at her. "come here stinker." again, y/n didn't move. she only shook her head, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

leo put his hands underneath her arms, soon lifting her up. he pulled her close to him, taking hold of her blanket. "just a little bit of sleep, then you can see the rest of the movie." he reassured her.

she pushed away from leo, whimpering. leo was glad she was so tired, because in this moment she was pretty weak. she gave up pretty easily. but her cries were strong as ever. he walked into her room, watching as she fully began to sob. he shut her door so she couldn't run out before setting her down.

she sat down on the ground, continuing to throw her fit. "calm down buddy, you're gonna make yourself sick." leo cooed to her as he gathered some pajamas for her.

"alright arms up, y/n/n."

time skip

leo didn't quite care to discipline her, knowing that would only make things worse. he only wanted her to sleep, so that's what he intended on getting her to do.

leo held her hand, walking to his bedroom.

his bedroom tended to be where she got quality sleep, most likely because he would be with her, but sleep is sleep. any amount would be good enough for y/n to return to her normal self.

expecting her to stay where she was, he let go of her hand, trying to prepare his bed for them both. but
y/n had different plans. she ran out of the room, leaving leo a bit less patient with her.

sighing, he walked out his room to try and retrieve her. he could hear quiet sounds of what seemed to be frustration. the closer he got to her area, the more he could see of her trying to reach the remote he had put up earlier.

he wasn't only amused, he was a bit impressed at her dedication. "y/n," he paused, grabbing the remote before she could. "later. it's nap time."

she huffed, more tears coming to her eyes. instead of further arguing she seemed to give in. her head was against his leg, her legs loosing balance causing her to fall. she of course continued to cry, but she wrapped her arms around his calf.

"alright, thank you y/n." he said crouching down to lift her up. she laid her head on his shoulder watching as they left the living room. "i tired..." she mumbled, hers cries beginning to die down.

leo patted her back, rubbing the surface. "i know you're tired. but we're gonna get some sleep and then finish the movie, alright?"

he felt her head move, assuming she nodded. "thank you y/n/n." although y/n had given up, she still wasn't very happy about the entire ordeal. in response to his words she groaned.

"if you sleep for an hour, we can watch another movie." he bargained with the young girl. although y/n was young, she wasn't stupid. she'd get that second movie.


"that's my girl...."

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[ published/edited : 6/17/2021 ]

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