5. First Time

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Dua jam setelah gue membongkar isi lemari, gue masih belum bisa memutuskan baju mana yang akan gue pake untuk pesta ulang tahun Sonya dalam beberapa jam lagi. I had never been to any party in high school because my parents were pretty strict about curfew. 

"It's a casual party, Ra. Just put on whatever you have and give it a simple make up touch, or something. It usually works for girls." telpon Bima waktu gue bilang gue pusing setengah mati nyari baju.

"Duh, like you have a girl to begin with." 

"I've been very observant."

"I wished you were here..." gue merengek.

"Kan ada Jevan sama Brian? They won't leave you."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're gonna bite their heads off if they do." pernyataan Bima membuat gue tertawa. "C'mon, relax. Cuma party, bukan sidang skripsi kan? What could go wrong?"

"First of all, it's held by the popular jocks? I don't think their definition of casual matches ours. Secondly, they hate me."

"Then go all the way and be a slut?"

"Shut it!"

"HAHAHA!" tawa Bima menggelegar dari hape yang gue loudspeaker. "Wear something black. It's never wrong. Lu punya atasan yang v-line itu kan? It's not sleeveless but shows enough skin...?"

"Hmm.. sexy but not too slutty." gue setengah menggumam.

"There you go! Ya, Ma? BENTAAAR!" Bima berteriak menjawab panggilan mamanya. "Kanjeng ratu memanggil. Udah ya. Bye, Ra! Good luck!"


Okay. Black, shows enough skin but not enough to be slutty. And still slays. Should I wear jeans or.... Whoa, I have a leather miniskirt? 

Di antara bawahan yang berserakan, sebuah rok mini yang sudah lama gue beli untuk just-in-case-I-need-to-kill-someone muncul ke permukaan. Gue melengkapinya dengan sebuah kalung berliontin kunci dan boots semata kaki dengan short heels. For me, footwear always had to be comfortable (you know, in case I also need to run away).

Jam 9.45 sesuai dengan yang kami setujui suara klakson mobil berbunyi di luar pagar saat gue sedang menunggu di kursi beranda kost. Wait, white car? it's not.. Brian's?

Gue berjalan mendekat dan jendela mobil terbuka. Kepala Jevan muncul dari balik jendela. 

"Jev? Kok lu yang jemput?"

"Brian udah duluan. Yuk?"

I knew it. Belum-belum dia udah ninggalin gue. This little piece of shit.

Gue membuka pintu mobil dan masuk. Jevan berdehem dan terlihat berusaha menghindari gue dari tatapannya saat gue memasang seatbelt.


"Hm? What? Nothing-"

"Oh, shit. I look like a slut, don't I? Should I change?" I stared at half of my thighs which were completely bare and exposed.

"Wha– No! No.. I mean.. you look... uhm, unusual."

"Unusually slutty?" gue mendengus.

"No. I– I don't mean it that way. You look... different, alright? I've never seen you dress up before. It's... it's beautiful." Jevan mengucapkan kalimatnya penuh kehati-hatian.

"Oh.. Heheh.. You sure?"

"A hundred and twenty percent." Jevan tersenyum. He looks dapper himself with white t-shirt covered in cream suit as the outer, a pair of jeans and sneakers.

Our Daysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें